Virelangue (tongue twister)

Repeat quickly 3 times
C’est sûr que son chat sait chasser!

1. D pour Danger! Match up the words, all beginning with D, with their definitions. (Why not try to work them out first just from the definitions?) 1 dresser 2 désaltérer 3 douanier 4 doigt 5 disponible 6 doubler

Look out for the new € 50 banknote, in circulation from 4 April 2017 as part of the gradual renewal of the European currency. It was presented by the European Central Bank (ECB) on 5 July 2016..

The very nature of the Pyrenees Orientales between sea and mountains means that every imaginable type of fishing can be found in the region. From fast flowing torrents in the mountains to slow relaxing rivers in the plains, from high altitude lakes to salt water lakes on the coast, from shore fishing and surf casting to deep sea fishing, the region really offers a challenging and varied days fishing for the keen angler.