Changes in France on July 1st 2011


Pension reform
The change in the legal age of retirement from 60 to 62 years will will be implemented gradually from 1 July 2011.
Pension reform

SNCF tariffs
The SNCF has announced an increase in ticket prices on Intercity trains,
SNCF Rates

Stamp Price
From 1 July 2011, the price of postage stamps for  letters under 20 grams will increase from 58 to 60 cents.
Stamp Price changes

Electricity prices
Electricity tariffs will increase by 2.9% on 1 July 2011.
Electricity price changes

Eurotariffs on mobile phones
From 1 July 2011, the maximum mobile phone Eurotariff  for calls made from country to country within the European Union (EU) is 0.35 euro, and 0.11 euro  for domestic calls.
Mobile phone charges

Unemployment benefit 
L’Unédic has decided to upgrade unemployment benefit by 1,5 % from 1st July 2011.
Unédic – Allocations chômage

Bank charges

Bank charges (+ notification of overdraft facilities if offered), must now be calcutatied monthly and appear on monthly statements.Up until now, many banks have taken off charges termy or yearly without  prior warning or consultation
Fédération bancaire française – Frais bancaires

More environmentally friendly labelling of products

Information must be given on over 1 000 products, telling conumers of their impact on the environment.

Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement – Affichage environnemental sur 1 000 produits

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