A  Stroll Along the Canal de Bohère to St Michel de Cuxa

The Canal de Bohère runs from Serdinya above Villefranche de Conflent and ends near the lake of Vinça. Parts of its 42 km length provide the perfect flat winter walk, with glimpses through the naked trees of stunning views across the valley.

A winter stroll along the Canal de Bohère to St Michel de Cuxa.

Take the D35 Clara road out of Prades, crossing the canal after 2.5 km. Park on the right, climb the bank and turn right onto the footpath. The canal, about 2 m wide and 20 cm deep, winds under little bridges, past gardens, orchards and woods of chestnuts, cherries, walnuts, acacias and figs.


As it twists and turns you catch glimpses of Prades, Eus, and finally the beautiful Abbey of St Michel de Cuxa before the walk ends at an impressive spurting siphon. Now you can choose make the easy descent to the peaceful and beautiful 940 Abbey dedicated to St Michel, and refresh the soul, (and body – cheese, honey and home made jam are on sale in the shop Covid permitting) or simply retrace your steps back along the canal to your car.


  1. Done this and nostalgia as we now live in U.K. Thanks for such happy memories

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