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London ,Westminster bridge

Posted: Fri 24 Mar 2017 20:57
by opas
I don't often get vocal, but I am very annoyed at the photo on media about the lady( Asian appearance) on Twitter/daily mail. I think people ignored the lady who is walking in her shadow in navy suit, who also is walking on by.
Lets be fair and honest, if there was in incident as serious as this and you or I were within the see a nurse/medic attending, why would you stop? I am not medicaly trained, I am in shock, i amc informing my family I am safe on my phone.....I may have even just phoned for assistance for another casualty at the other end of the bridge.
Why pick on this lady....what about the woman in the suit....

Journalism stinks.
My thoughts are for the family of the dead Spanish mum, and the 75 year old man....the lady seriously ill in hospital who jumped into the Thames, Martin can do the research....:-) find me a donation page! I will donate a sum to their families

Posted: Sat 25 Mar 2017 17:34
by martyn94
I guess that I might be the Martin you refer to. But I have never done any research on Twitter or the Daily Mail. If you find them distressing, there's a pretty easy answer.

Posted: Sat 25 Mar 2017 17:49
by Webdoc

London Westimnster Bridge

Posted: Thu 30 Mar 2017 23:07
by S Hart
Just for info the latest information here in London is that the lady you refer to in your post did not jump into the Thames she was knocked into it by the lunatic driving the car, as of today she is critical but stable

Re: London Westimnster Bridge

Posted: Fri 31 Mar 2017 13:52
by martyn94
S Hart wrote:Just for info the latest information here in London is that the lady you refer to in your post did not jump into the Thames she was knocked into it by the lunatic driving the car, as of today she is critical but stable
It would be comforting if the guy was just a lunatic (and I appreciate that you weren't pretending to be a forensic psychiatrist). Unfortunately, the recruitment pool seems to be quite a bit bigger than that, and to a small but useful degree, a bit more competent. And more than ready to commit suicide.

I worked round there for half my life, and crossed the bridge twice a day for years. I guess they'll put lots of bollards in to stop people mounting the pavement on the bridge, and life will go on, though a bit more stressfully. We can survive it (if we're not among the unlucky ones), but it's infinitely depressing.

The difference is that in my day it was the IRA, and we're all now thinking what a good guy Martin McGuinness turned out to be. And I guess he was happy enough to die in his bed, or wherever it was. I'm not so optimistic about followers of "religions of peace" (as of course they all are).

Posted: Fri 31 Mar 2017 20:24
by opas
OK, I said jumped.....I didn't infer she had done so to take her life, I assume she jumped in the hope of saving it......and I hope that jump did!

Posted: Sat 01 Apr 2017 13:35
by martyn94
opas wrote:OK, I said jumped.....I didn't infer she had done so to take her life, I assume she jumped in the hope of saving it......and I hope that jump did!
I don't see how anyone could think she had done it to take her life (or has implied that she had). It's quite a narrow pavement, and the parapet is quite low. God knows how it happened: we may or may not get better info in the future. I have walked across it hundreds of times, but I can't begin to guess how I would have reacted if someone had come at me at speed with a car. Or whether I would have had time to react at all, rather than just end up wherever the impact took me.

The tiny saving grace in all this is that people close to the survivors seem to be grateful for the care they have had.