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Electrcal fittings - working with them

Posted: Wed 21 May 2008 16:04
by jecjcr
I have a surface mounted combined light switch / 240v socket unit in light and dark grey which I am fairly sure is by Legrand. It is mounted the wrong side of a door and I want to move it. Quite happy with the electrics, but how do you access the interior of the unit.
British fittings have obvious screws on the outside, but this has nothing. The houseghold light switches are similarly devoid of external screws.
Have tried trawling the web for instructions, but so far no joy.
Any help , or 'light' on the subject (sorry about the pun) would be very much appreciated, before I do the wrong thing and break the top off.

Posted: Wed 21 May 2008 17:50
by Roger O
Personally, I would go to Leclerc at Polygon Nord (Perpignan) who deals mainly with Legrand electrical items, find on sale the type of light switch you have and examine the article to see how it is mounted onto or into the wall. From that you can deduce how to dismount it. If the same model is not (no longer) on sale, there is pretty sure to be a similar one with the system for mounting it.

Good luck!


Posted: Wed 21 May 2008 19:10
by dazzert66
You stick a screw driver behind the cover plate and prize it off this will reveal two screws which you remove to access the switch connections.