Discover one of the oldest strongholds in Catalonia, on the borders of Upper Vallespir, facing Canigou Mountain. The fortress consists of 3 distinct buildings: on the highest spur (1326 m) the ruins of the castle and the church; nearby the walled garrison building; the watchtower leans out furthest over the valley.

Growing up between the game reserves in South Africa and the wilderness of the Australian outback, Ian Pendry discovered a love for nature early on in life. At university in Sheffield he met Angela, an international mountain bike racer and skilled ski mountaineer. The rest, as they say, is history.

This small medieval walled town, listed as one of ‘les plus beaux villages de France’,  has it all, from its architectural significance, breathtaking views, magnificent walks, three caves (Grottes des Canalettes), historical Fort Liberia, lively…