St Joan de les Abadesses is probably not a town one would choose for a holiday break. Quite unprepossessing, and other than the monastery at its centre, there isn’t much to detain the traveller here. But the monastery was what we’d come to see, so we parked up and walked over the gorgeous 15th century Pont Vall, the old bridge over the Ter into the town. It was a promising start — the sun was shining and the river was lined with allotments and willow trees.

We love publishing your reviews. They’re honest (mostly!) objective, (hopefully) unrelated to advertising (bien sûr!) and cover a wide range of tastes, prices, and places. You might not always agree, the chef might be having a bad day, your standards might be higher….or lower – but they give you an idea of what’s available.

IN AID OF THE CATS OF VILLELONGUE Association Chats Libres de Villelongue dels Monts (C.L.V.) For cat-lovers everywhere! Do come and support this event held in the Salle des Fêtes in Villelongue this Thursday to…