Chamber of Commerce & Chambre des Métiers



The Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie ( CCI), and the Chambre des Métiers both help out in the creation or development of any business activity and can advise you on training programmes, business practices, financing small businesses…

The CCI deals with commercial or industrial enterprises whilst the Chambre des Métiers specifically covers trades and will advise you on the requirements, rules and regulations covering each trade.

The CCI in Perpignan (Tel: + 33 4 68 35 66 33 Quai de-Lattre- de-Tassigny – BP 10941 66020 Perpignan cedex) offers a drop in service between 9h – 12h and 14h – 17h Monday to Friday. No appointment is necessary for an initial chat.

An adviser will take you through the stages of the creation of your business, suggest suitable training available, answer your questions and put you in contact with any other agencies that may be of help.

A further meeting where necessary can then be arranged with a specialist. The service is free.

They also have an’ Espace Création’, an area equipped with documentation relevant to businesses, computers and free internet access.

General meetings on business creation are held at the Chamber of Commerce every Tuesday 9 – 11h and every Friday at the Chambre de Métiers (7, Boulevard Conflent, Perpignan near the station Tel 04 68 35 87 95). They are open to all.

Take a look at the APCE website (Agence pour la Création d’Entreprise). The site publishes a series of information packs (dossiers), and posts up to date information throughout the year. It is also worth a visit to CCI Perpignan site for up to date details of training courses available in Perpignan. (Click on “Maison de la formation”, then “Flash formation”)

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