It’s never pleasant to make a complaint in any language, but when you are trying to put your point forward with a limited vocabulary and knowledge of your rights, it is particularly frustrating.
More than a third of the working population of France is a ‘fonctionnaire’, a civil servant.
Unfortunately, they have a bit of a reputation for zealous form filling, red tape and making life difficult and complicated, (not all – there are many thoughtful and efficient fonctionnaires in the system too) and can easily get the better of you if you don’t have a bit of fore-knowledge.
French law is so complex that they often don’t actually know the answer to your enquiry themselves, but some will bend over backward to find you a solution! Whilst others won’t bend at all
Most problems encountered can be resolved amicably (and free of charge – remember that legal action is time consuming and expensive) simply by complaining to the supplier, manufacturer or distributor of the product or the service provider concerned.
Steps to take before considering legal action
☛ Send your complaint to the trader by registered letter (lettre recommandée) with proof of receipt. Make sure that you keep personal copies of all correspondence
☛ If the dispute is with a large national company (France Telecom, postal services, health, public transport…..,) ask if they have a mediator (médiateur or conciliateur) whose job it is to deal with disputes. Of course, bear in mind that they may not necessarily be impartial!.
Some of the main ones are….. (correct at time of writing but do bear in mind that emails and tel numbers are constantly changing)
AMF Ombudsman
Autorité des marchés financiers
17 place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02
Tel.: +33 (0)1 5345-6464
E-mail: Web:
Fédération française des sociétés d’assurances
26, boulevard Haussmann, 75311 Paris Cedex 09
Web :
Post Office
44 Boulevard de Vaugirard F 407
75757 PARIS CEDEX 15
Tel.: +33 (0)1 55 44 02 61 ou +33 (0)1 55 44 02 66
Fax: +33 (0)1 55 44 02 43
Web: (section: ’nous connaître’ : le Médiateur du group La Poste)
Le médiateur EDF
TSA 50026
75804 PARIS CEDEX 08
Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 42 23 35
Fax: +33 (0)1 40 42 10 03
Le médiateur de Gaz de France
TSA 90015 – 75837 Paris cedex 17
Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 54 36 44
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 54 74 61
SNCF (trains)
Mediateur de la SNCF
66, rue de Rome, 75008 Paris
Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 25 38 08
Fax: +33 (0)1 53 25 38 19
54 Quai de la Rapée
75599 Paris Cedex 12
Tel.: +33 (0)1 58 78 36 46
Fax: +33 (0)1 58 76 45 05
BP 999
75829 Paris Cedex 17
Direct sales
Commission Paritaire de Médiation de la Vente Directe
11, avenue de Président Kennedy, 75016 Paris
Tel.: +33 (0)1 45 15 30 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 42 15 30 90
☛ Write to (or visit) your local consumer association who can inform you about your rights, and assist you in settling your dispute with a trader or service provider.
For this region, visit the ‘Maison d’Accès au Droit’ (MAD) in Perpignan (rue de la savonnerie, Place Carola, 66000 Perpignan) open from Monday – Friday 8h00 – 12h00 and 14h00 – 17h00 Tel : 04 68 66 34 56
They will help and advise you, and where necessary pass your case on to the relevant parties who will try to find a solution. The service is free and confidential.
☛ Download a European consumer complaint form (formulaire européen de réclamation pour le consommateur) from This form, in 11 languages, has been designed to guide consumers in formulating their claims via a multiple-choice lists of responses. Use it instead of a letter of complaint, always bearing in mind that it could be used in evidence if the case comes to court.
☛ Your final step before taking actual legal action is the legal conciliator (conciliateur de justice), a volunteer appointed by the court of appeal judge try to settle disputes between consumer and trader out of court. (Contact details available in town halls or the magistrates’ court (tribunal d’instance) in your area).
Useful vocabJe voudrais… (chuh voodray…) |
Shopper’s rights
- If the product has a hidden defect (“vice caché”) which renders the product unfit for the use for which it is intended, a replacement, a partial or total refund, or the cancellation of the whole contract can be obtained.
- If the product does not conform to its description, the consumer can demand the repair or replacement of the good
- If the product causes damage because it is defective, the trader is responsible for damage caused.
- Where sales (soldes) are concerned,the shopkeeper is still obliged to exchange or reimburse faulty goods unless a specific fault was pointed out as the reason for its sale price.
After paying for a product, you change your mind although it is not faulty. Traders are not obliged to take back or cancel the order but may agree to give you a credit note.
However, if the seller is at fault (defective merchandise, late delivery, etc), you are not obliged to accept this arrangement and can insist on your money back.
I live in the USA and 2 months ago purchased a car from a French dealership for export. The car showed up here in the states and looks great, but the French dealership has not sent the title and has stopped communicating with me nearly a month ago. How can I put pressure on him for not performing his duties as a dealer?
Hello Mark
Unfortunately we are not consumer rights specialists. Here are a few sites with info that might help.
If the French is a problem, contact Madeleine at who should be able to help you out with enquiries
Bonne chance
At thursday september 3rd 2022, i went to paris la vallee village from disnay land. I used train. There was three officer control ticket. They pushed us to paid fine tax for wrong train ticket. I had say to them we didnt know and we will turn around to our previous station and buy a new ticket. But officer control still pushed us to paid fine tax. We have to pay 140€ whereas the price of ticket only 5€. Why officer control push us? Why officer didnt lead us to buy a new one instead of punishment. We were only tourist, and didnt know the whole your regulation.
I booked a camper van in france but unfortunately I had to cancel , on web site it says I can get full refund if cancelled 3 months before which I did , and you only lose admin fees .
I paid 1021.97 euros and have been told because I used a discount code ( which they provided me I booked direct with them through email not on they site)I am not entitled to any refund , although they have put camper van back on calendar to re-let
I live in France but British friends of mine have a complaint about IBIS following a group booking at a France hotel earlier this year. Your list doesn’t give an address for consumers who’ve had problems with hotel accommodation. Is there are contact number?
Thank you.
This is info from an ‘expert’ in consumer affairs.
Un problème avéré doit être immédiatement signalé après qu’il soit survenu. Attendre jusqu’à la fin de votre séjour peut vous valoir une perte de vos droits. Si vous êtes en séjour organisé, vous devez en référer à votre tour opérateur. Le cas échéant, toutes les plaintes doivent être adressées à la direction de l’hôtel.
Conditions pour une réduction de prix !
On peut prétendre à une réduction s’il y a une différence objectivement identifiable entre l’offre contractuelle et la réalité.
Quelques cas typiques pouvant amener une réduction
• bruits de travaux non indiqués au préalable
• équipements mentionnés dans le contrat hors d’usage
• panne de la climatisation dans votre chambre, s’il s’agissait d’une garantie contractuelle.
Basically, the problem should be mentioned immediately (not after the stay) or your rights could be affected. Best too to go directly to the manager, or if a chain like Ibis to central booking and ask for a number/mail to address a complaint.
Not terribly helpful I’m afraid as there seems to be very little info in general for this!
Bonne chance!