Cancer Support France – Sud de France
Drop In Centres
Don’t forget the book exchange at the Café des Artistes at Laroque on Monday 18th March from 10.30am to 12 noon! Buy a drink and chose FREE books. And DROP IN at Lizzie’s Kitchen at Ille sur Têt for a coffee and a chat any time between 10am and 12 noon on Wednesday 20th March. Books will also be avalable. A warm welcome will be waiting for you. |
Dear Everyone,
Another New Year is upon us and CSF Sud de France will be continuing with its informal monthly get-togethers. There are two new venues and the times have slightly changed at Céret.
Coffee and a chat about anything and everything at Pablo’s Bar at Céret from 10.30am to 12pm every first Wednesday of the month (excluding 2nd January!). Do bring along any books for exchange.
Lizzie’s Kitchen at Ille sur Têt is the new venue for coffee and an informal natter every third Wednesday of the month from 10.30am to 12pm (starting on the 16th January). Books for exchange and/or donation would be very welcome.
Buy a coffee at the Café des Artistes at Laroque des Albères between 10.30am and 12pm on any third Monday of the month (starting Monday 21st January) and choose two free books! And we’ll take your old ones off your hands!
Although trained members of CSF will be available with information and a listening ear, these informal meetings are just that – INFORMAL! You do not need to be personally affected by cancer and you can drop in for 5 minutes. EVERYONE is welcome.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2013 et Bonne Année,
For more information please contact either Penny at or on 0468 388 128 or Rita at |