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November – in brief

29th October 2015 at 08h00 - 17h00


AROUND THE REGION – November 2015




Throughout Novenber & DecemberVariousChristmas Markets
1st – 15thFerme de découverte de Saint AndréChestnuts for the kids to roast around an open fire. Find out More
Sunday 1st from 10h30 to 11h (and every Saturday through November)Perpignan cathedral (Recommended listening place: the front of the cathedral)Carillonneurs 
Tuesday 3rdSalle Jean Trescases (below Casino)
Excerpts of the ’greatest hits’ from well known operas..Les Contes d’Hoffmann, la Périchole, la Fille de Madame Angot, Hamlet, Griselidis….. … 
Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4thThéâtre de l’Archipel, PerpignanRichard II by Williamn Shakespeare
Friday 6th & Saturday 7th Théâtre de l’Archipel, PerpignanPEQUEÑOS PARAÍSOS. Dance, fanstasy, imagination and magic.theatredelarchipel
Friday 6thAmélie-les-BainsGuided tour of Amelie  Details & bookings tourist office Amelie 0468390198  
Sunday 8th  Galerie d’art Marianne, Argelès-sur-MerLes Puces d’art. Amateur and professional sculptors, photographers  and painters rent a stand and sell off their artwork at reasonable prices. Around 50 artists are expected
Free admission Pop into the galerie Marianne and book a stand if you would like a chance to exhibit and sell your own artwork on this day
Tuesday 10thSalle Jean Trescases (below Casino)
Music Hall Follies Fun at the musical hall in aid of the Telethon.  
Wednesday 11thMonuments aux Morts, Amelie-Les-Bains et PalaldaCommemoration of November 11thStarting 8.45am in Amelie (and in most towns and villages in the region – check with local town hall or tourist office)
Wednesday 11thCorsavyCastagnade (grilled chestnuts) accompanied by vin nouveau, music, dancing and a cosy autumn atmosphere
Wednesday 11thLe SolerFoire au gras
Wednesday 11thPerpignan – Polygone NordFoire Aux Étalagistes. Colourful market featuring 500 stall-holders from throughout the country.
Wednesday 11thEspace Mediterranee & Salle des fetes, Arles Sur TechRifle Des Pompiers come along and support our brave volunteer firemen at the annual bingo.
 Salle Jean Trescases (below Casino)
Recital of songs from the 60’s & 70’s –  songs from Piaf, Ferrat, Dassin, Becaud. . . . . 3pm, bar
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15thCouvent Des Minimes, PerpignanSalon Vintage Generations Design, accessories, lighting, decorative items & display of cars from the 50’s to the 80’s. 
 Friday 13th – Saturday 21st Theatre de L’Archipel, Perpignan Aujourd’hui Musiques festival of the creation of sound. 
Saturday 14th – Sunday 15thEspace Jean Carrère,  ArgelèsSalon de la Maison
Exhibiton dedicated to everything and anything do with house and home:  equipment, decoration, renovation, eco-construction, energy…Contact :upam66@gmail.com FREE
Thursday 19th from 18h30place Desnoyer, St Cyprien villageTasting of the Christmas Muscat.
Buy your personalised glass for 2€ and taste away! (sweet and savoury speciality nibbles too). Entertainment organised for the children too, who will be taken away so that you have chance to enjoy the Muscat de Noel. 
Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd  Parking du Foirail, Ille-Sur-TetRallye Des Fenouilledes
Sunday 22nd at 17hEspace Jean Carrère, Argelès  VillageMusicales d’Argelès-sur-Mer
Concert des 40 ans de la Lyre Argelésienne avec Argelès Gospel Singers.  Tarif : 5 €  (free for U18)
Sunday 22ndPradesFoire au gras
Friday 27th – Sunday 29thSaint AndréFete de la Saint Andre  full details
Friday 27th November – 6th DecemberCollioureLa Cour De Noel Christmas market with nativity, (including camels) arts and crafts, entertainment; food and local produce…..
Saturday 28th – Sunday 29thPerpignan – Parc des ExpositionsWedding Fair – lots of exhibitors, wedding dress fashion parade twice daily
Saturday 28th at 20h30 Auditorium Charles Trénet, Palais des congrès, PerpignanGOSPEL POUR 100 VOIX. One hundred voices united from all over the world, including finalists from The Voice, X Factor….
 Sunday 29th Nov – Tuesday 1st Dec Vernet-les-Bains Festa Major Saint Saturnin



29th October 2015
08h00 - 17h00