24th June – 5th July 2014
Les Estivales de l’Archipel
Théâtre de L’Archipel, Perpignan
The original ‘Estivales’ began more than twenty years ago when a group of friends, passionate about theatre in historical surrounding, created « Nuits Estivales » based around a programme of classical theatre and held at the Palais des Rois de Majorque. An immediate success, the festival grew quickly, turning to southern culture for its theme: Mediterranean, Catalan, Spanish, African, gypsy, Middle East, Latin America…………
The new Estivales de l’Archipel, started in 2011. For the first couple of years, it took place on the atmospheric open air stage of the Campo Santo in Perpignan centre, the site of one of only two cloister cemeteries in France, whose graceful arcades contained the tombs owned by wealthy burghers in the Middle Ages.
This year however, the ancient and delightful venue of the Campo Santo is to be abandoned in favour of the Théâtre de l’Archipel in Perpignan where there will be an outside ‘guinguette’, formerly popular drinking establishments on the outskirts of Paris and large French towns, which would also put on food and entertainment.
Amongst this year’s acts will be circus, flamenco, bal, world music, street theatre, marionnette, jazz and dance.