Jardin Denat, Collioure.
Nestled within Collioure is a hidden gem, a garden of nature, Jardin Denat. Donated by Madame Denat, the land now belongs to Collioure town hall but seven years ago an enterprising lady called Maryline with two friends, had a vision that it could be developed into a community garden.
With an enormous amount of insight and hard work it took shape and is still evolving and thriving today. It is situated above the Riere car park accessed by a pedestrian small track. It has 140 members and about 12 regular volunteers who attend the garden which is open on a Monday and Thursday between 9-3 pm.
We share the work, knowledge, produce, languages and friendship. Water has become a huge issue so we now have water butts placed around the garden which collect water when it rains. School children visit once a month and the PIJ club comes in the holidays. Monthly we share a lunch, each of us bringing a dish.
To celebrate our 7th year anniversary we have an open day on Saturday 20th APRIL 10-4PM. Mark your calendar for something special amidst blossoms and whispered tales.
Entrance is free. Do come along even if you are not a gardener and savour something special amidst blossoms, blooms, foliage and produce.