Coming to a Pedestrian Crossing Near You!
Despite what you might sometimes witness on French roads, it IS obligatory for cars to stop for pedestrians at pedestrian crossings.
Pedestrian Crossing Monitors
Radars with motion detectors are being installed all over France which will activate when a pedestrian wants to cross the road and an approaching vehicle doesn’t stop.
The driver will lose 4 points and be fined 135€ if the police municipal find him or her at fault when reviewing the video.
Pedestrian Crossing
– un passage piéton
– Sometimes called a passage clouté after the ‘clous’ or studs that used to run alongside)

Since 2011 drivers and riders ar also required to give way to pedestrians crossing a road elsewhere – “If a pedestrian or cyclist “shows a clear intention to cross” (described as “an ostensible step forward or a hand gesture”) drivers will be required to stop for them. The only exception is where there is a designated pedestrian crossing less than 50m away.”
So good news for wheelchair pushers wanting to visit le soldat inconnu at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris (there is no wheelchair subway access) just check you are fifty yards from a designated crossing and step off boldly for the Arc…..