Hello Everyone
An icy blast greeted me this afternoon when I stuck my head outside. I want to say there wasn’t much to tempt me out of my warm sitting room with its blazing log fire and a delicious wafting of a carrot cake baking in the oven.
However – we should all remember that if the sun is shining and there are still a couple of hours of daylight left, it’s worth wrapping up and stepping out for a stroll. We need to catch the last vestiges of Autumn before Winter makes dormice of us all.
Christmas Cards will be on sale at our two Drop-Ins this month:
Wednesday 6 December – Céret – 10.30-12
If you’ve got a bit of Christmas shopping to do, have a wander around Céret and then pop in and see us at Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Books and DVDs are always available here as well as all the CSF products.
Monday 18 December – Laroque – 10.30-12
At the Café des Artistes there’s always a good turn-over of paperbacks, English and French. Also CDs and DVDs. Coffee, tea and drinks will be available but please note that the kitchen will be closed.
There’s no Drop-In at Lizzie’s this month.
Sunday 10 December CHRISTMAS MARKET 10 – 5.30
We are at the Christmas Market again this year in St Jean Pla de Corts. You might find the perfect Christmas gift from one of the arts and crafts stalls. Also Christmas cards and stocking-fillers, Father Christmas and Christmas Carols.
There’ll be lots of English products too, courtesy of Les Chênes British Grocery Products.
To avoid disappointment and to take advantage of special offers, order online www.les-chenes.eu They will take orders up to lunchtime on Friday 8th December although, as stocks are limited, the earlier people order, the more chance they have of getting what they want. Christmas crackers in particular are in short supply this year.
Lizzie Smith will be running the Cafe and selling tea, coffee, cakes and sandwiches.
CSF will have a Raffle and a stall selling books, Christmas cards, notelets, umbrellas and tea towels.
Wednesday 24th January AGM Carcassonne 10.15
The CSF Annual General Meeting is an all-day meeting. As before we will be at the Restaurant L’Oliveraie, 850 Boulevard Denis Papin, Carcassonne.
There will be coffee at 9.45 and the meeting will start at 10.15 and finish with lunch at 12.
We have Dr Martin Christlieb with us again this time. He is the Public Engagement Manager for the Department of Oncology at the University of Oxford. Two years ago at this meeting he gave us a very interesting and entertaining talk about cancer treatments in the 21st century. This time he will be speaking about radiotherapy. We very much hope you can join us.
Full details of the Agenda and the lunch will follow soon.
Friday 23 March 2018 INFORMATION DAY
We are inviting members to join the Active Listener Training Day. We have decided to introduce a half-day for new members to give them a better understanding of CSF and what it does. The venue has yet to be fixed but it will be somewhere in the P-O.
We will start with coffee at 10 and the meeting will run from 10.30 until 12.30.
There will be an opportunity for members to talk to our Active Listeners about what they do and to hear from Penny Parkinson and others about CSF generally and about the role of the Active Listener. There will be ample time for questions. The meeting will be followed by lunch to which everyone will be welcome.
Wednesday 4 April 2018 CSF OPEN MEETING Perpignan
This is our annual get-together when we meet up for a short meeting which up-dates us on events past, present and future. It’s informal and everyone is welcome.
In April this year we had a very successful meeting, followed by a super lunch, at Le Mas Des Arcades in Perpignan. I’m pleased to say that we will be there again. The meeting will start around 10.15 and end with lunch.
Our speaker this time will be Dr Rita Jordan, Professor in Autism studies at The University of Birmingham where she runs courses for professionals working with individuals with autistic spectrum disorders at all levels. She has written and researched on many aspects of autism and has lectured and been involved in consultancy nationally and internationally.
In her talk, ‘The coming era of patient-centered medicine’, Rita will be talking about treatment specifically tailored to the patient rather than the disease, as well as the complications of cancer in an individual with other conditions such as autism.
Please put the date in your diary and watch this space for more info!
Activity for Life – CYCLE FOR LIFE 2018
The Cycle for Life in 2018 will set off from Royan on 19th May and arrive in Sète on 1st June. It’s early days yet but have a look at this website. Their final stage is from Carcassonne to Sète.
CSF Sud will of course be running our own Activity for Life event – details available soon.
A Merry Christmas to you all!
Diana Eastaff
Are you interested in finding out more about what CSF does? If so please email Penny (sud-president@cancersupportfrance.org)