Beware the ‘Saints de Glace’

Saints de glace

Named after the frosty trio of saints, St Mamert, St Pancrace, and St Servais, whose Saint days are respectively May 10th, 11th, and 12th, the expression ‘Saints de Glace’ describes a sudden return of night frosts and temporary freezing weather in late spring, which can catch us all unawares, just when we think that summer is on its way!

This is a period of time much feared by gardeners, farmers and vignerons, particularly north of the Loire, but even in the south of France, until mid-May, the locals will shake their heads, and click their tongues if they see you planting your pansies (pensées) and  primroses (paquets)  before these dates



  1. “Die Eisheilgen” I always thought this is just a German “Bauernregel” that I never take any particular notice of. ‘Saints de Glace’ ah! Now I know better !

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