Hello Everyone
If, like me, you’ve spent Christmas in the bosom of your family and have come back with a heavy heart, a bulging waistline, a bag full of dirty washing and a rather sad and mutilated wedge of what’s left of the Christmas cake – don’t despair!
For Winter is officially upon us! The days will now start getting longer. As the Earth follows its orbit around the Sun, the polar hemisphere that faced away from the Sun, experiencing winter, will, in half a year, face towards the Sun and experience summer.
And if that prospect doesn’t delight and enchant you then what about the view coming through the Corbière gap (as I call it) with the great Roussillon plain stretched out in front of you, surrounded left right and centre by the Pyrenees in all their winter glory?
Yes, January is a long month but probably by the time you’ve read my Newsletter, you’ll already be half way through it!
The Scottish Country Dancing on St Andrews day last November went very well and a great evening was had by all. We raised €847.64 and this was divided equally between Cancer Support Sud de France and Restos du Coeur. We must thank all of you who helped us before, during and after the event – we could not have done it without you.
The sum raised will almost cover the costs of the follow-up training for our two new Active Listeners in the P-O. (Our Information Day in March will tell you more about what this training is and what our Active Listeners actually do – see below for details.)
Christmas Market
At the beginning of December we once again had a stall at the market in St Jean Pla de Cort. In spite of quite a poor turn-out, due possibly to a clash with the Maureillas Christmas Fayre, we made a splendid €450, after a donation of €80 to La Ligue. Thank you to those who came and supported us and to all our helpers.
Only one Drop-In this month:
Wednesday 3 January – Céret – 10.30-12 CLOSED
Monday 15 January – Laroque – 10.30-12 CLOSED
Wednesday 17 January Ille sur Têt 10.30-12
Lizzie’s Kitchen (16 Route de Prades) will be open for business as usual. Books, cake, coffee and tea.
Wednesday 24th January AGM Carcassonne 10.15
The CSF Annual General Meeting is an all-day meeting. It takes place at the Restaurant L’Oliveraie, 850 Boulevard Denis Papin, Carcassonne.
(To make travelling easier we can arrange car-sharing so please to contact Penny if you would like to take part.)
Coffee will be served at 9.45 and the meeting will start at 10.15 and finish with lunch at 12.
This year we are very pleased to welcome an excellent returning speaker – Dr Martin Christlieb who will speak on ‘Photons, protons, seeds and solutions – radiotherapy for the 21st century.’
Members have received the details of the meeting and the lunch in a separate email from Hazel Turner. Please contact her if you haven’t received the email. sud-secretary@cancersupportfrance.org This is a very informal AGM and its a good opportunity for everyone to meet up and chat and to find out more about CSF and our activities. Non-members are welcome and if you would like to come, please contact Penny (sud-president@cancersupportfrance.org
Friday 23 March 2018 INFORMATION DAY 10 – 12.30
We have decided to introduce a half-day for new members to join us on the morning of our Active Listener Training Day, in order to give them a better understanding of CSF and what it does. The venue has yet to be fixed but it will be somewhere in the P-O.
We will start with coffee at 10 and the meeting will run from 10.30 until 12.30.
There will be an opportunity for members to talk to our Active Listeners about what they do and to hear from Penny Parkinson and others about CSF generally and about the role of the Active Listener. There will be ample time for questions. The meeting will be followed by lunch to which everyone is invited.
Wednesday 4 April 2018 CSF OPEN MEETING Perpignan
This is our annual get-together when we meet up for a short meeting which up-dates us on events past, present and future. It’s informal and everyone is welcome.
Last April we had a very successful meeting, followed by a super three-course lunch, at Le Mas Des Arcades in Perpignan. I’m pleased to say that we will be there again this year. The meeting will start around 10.15 and end with lunch.
Our speaker this time will be Dr Rita Jordan, Professor in Autism studies at The University of Birmingham where she runs courses for professionals working with individuals with autistic spectrum disorders at all levels. She has written and researched on many aspects of autism and has lectured and been involved in consultancy nationally and internationally.
In her talk, ‘The coming era of patient-centered medicine’, Rita will be talking about treatment specifically tailored to the patient rather than the disease, as well as the complications of cancer in an individual with other conditions such as autism.
For the moment it’s important to please let me know if you would like to come. Next month I will send you the proposed menu. I really hope you will join us.
May 2018 Activity for Life – CYCLE FOR LIFE 2018
The Cycle for Life in 2018 will set off from Royan on 19th May and arrive in Sète on 1st June.
We will of course be running our own Activity for Life event in September – details available soon.
Happy New Year to everyone and best wishes for 2018
Diana Eastaff