- This event has passed.
4th December 2016 - 19th December 2016

Zooming round the winding roads along the coast towards Banyuls-sur-mer, we pass the vines, hundreds of them, all looking rather forlorn and bare. « This is the nicest part of the life-cycle of the vine, » said my husband, « the time when you drink the wine . » There’s always something good to say about life in the P.O.!
Hands up anyone who hasn’t shopped and cooked for six days on the trot. A simple Catalane salad in a local restaurant has never tasted as good as it did today!
A quick update about the Christmas Market at the beginning of December – CSF raised €491.05 after sending €100 to La Ligue as their share of the tombola proceeds. A very successful day all round.
Thank you to everyone who lent a hand and to those who supported us.
Here are the Drop Ins this month – a chance to meet up again after the holiday.
Wednesday 4 January – Céret – 10.30-12
Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Go along and have a look at the books.
Monday 16 January – Laroque – 10.30-12
At the Café des Artistes there’s always a good turn-over of paperbacks, English and French. Also CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books.
Wednesday 18 January – Ile-sur-Têt – 10-12
Lizzie’s Kitchen will be open for business as usual.
Wednesday 25 January – CSF AGM – Carcassonne – 10h
CSF Sud are having their AGM at the same place as last year, L’Oliveraie in Carcassonne, just off the motorway exit to Carcassonne airport. It’s a good opportunity to meet other members and learn a bit about what went on last year and what’s happening in 2017.
Penny will talk about the presentation given at the World Cancer Congress in Paris entitled CSF – A model for supporting expats touched by cancer.
Also, we will be looking for a new Vice-President, preferably from the Aude, to take over from Lesley Wisson. If you would like to find out more about this exciting role please contact Penny (sud-president@cancersupportfrance.org).
Lunch will follow the meeting and this year the cost will be €20 per person to include an aperitif, wine and coffee. Further details with menu choices will be sent to members with their AGM papers.
Everyone is welcome to come along but we need to know numbers, so anyone interested in coming who is NOT a member, please can you let Hazel Turner know (sud-secretary@cancersupportfrance.org).
Remember, there is always the possibility of car-sharing so if you are thinking of driving and have space in the car, perhaps you could let me know.
Wednesday 14 & Thursday 15 June – Training Course – Bages
Are you interested in becoming one of our trained volunteers? By becoming a trained volunteer there are many ways you can support those with cancer as well as their carers.
We run this two-day training course once a year. Please do give it some thought and just contact Penny if you would like more information.
22-25 June 2017 Activity for Life – Cycle for Life
Please put this date in your diary and have a look at activityforlife.fr for more details and for the link to the Facebook page.
Many people supported this event last year.
Have a look at the photos on the CSF website cancersupportfrance.org/affiliate-gallery
I wish you all the very best for the coming year and hope that we can continue to work together to provide back-up, support and encouragement to our teams of volunteers and to push the boundaries of Cancer Support France even further in 2017.
Diana Eastaff
Please pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested in any of these events and for further information please contact me by e-mail on deastaff@yahoo.co.uk or by phone 04 68 82 90 49.
And check out our website at csf-suddefrance.webs.com for all our future events