- This event has passed.
1st July 2024 - 31st July 2024
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Hello Everyone
Hot enough for you?
The nice thing is that we seem to be getting a bit of respite now and then and by that I mean RAIN.
The bulldozers and wood choppers continue to erase the countryside to make way for concrete and tarmac but the undergrowth is fighting back and those pretty florescent yellow and green butterflies are quite pleased to have something flowery to visit.
The swifts swoop and dive, catching insects on the wing. Apparently they can cruise at a maximum speed of 112 km/h, something those fat lizards on my wall can only dream about!
I tell you what, if football or tennis isn’t your thing, after supper get yourself a glass of wine and sit outside – there’s lots to see and hear and you never know, there might be a glorious sunset at the end of the evening.
Drop Ins
** Tombola Prizes For our October event this year we will need prizes. If you have a bottle or an unwanted gift, why not bring it along to us at one of our Drop Ins ** (see below for details)
Wednesday 3 July, Pablo’s Bar, Céret, 10.30
Monday 15 July, Café des Artistes, Laroque des Albères, 10.15
Wednesday 17 July, Villa Lafabrègue, Prades, 10.15
Looking ahead
October Rose – Les Jeudis Roses de la Clinique 2024
4 Thursdays of talks, workshops and conferences about breast cancer
Oct 3, 10, 17 & 24 : 11am – 4pm
🎗 To support Pink October, the SOA (Soins d’Onco-Accompagnement) joins with PINK THURSDAYS in Perpignan at the Clinique St Pierre.
SOA 66, based in Perpignan, offers support to people with cancer throughout the Pyrénées-Orientales. It gives supportive care to patients being treated in Oncology and/or Hematology in the form of alternative, complementary care, as well as financial support. The objective is to inform patients, health professionals and visitors of the actions proposed by the association.
CSF will have a stand and we’ll be handing out leaflets and chatting mostly to medical people, letting them know what CSF is about and how we can help English speaking patients. (There will be no stands on 30 October.)
A detailed programme will be available later on in the year but for the moment if anyone can do an hour or two in the morning or afternoon, we’d very much appreciate it. Please contact Phil O’Neill philomeneoneill@gmail.com
Saturday 5 October, Fête October Rose, 12pm
Our Autumn event this year will be a LUNCH AT THE DOMAINE MAS ALART. This vineyard, set in the heart of the Roussillon plain, has been there since 1897.
As you know, the Octobre Rose campaign makes it possible to raise awareness and inform and encourage screening in the fight against breast cancer.
As our event takes place at this particular time of year, we thought it would be appropriate to name it Fête October Rose.
The afternoon will begin with a fizzy apéro and continue with lunch and then dessert. Wine will be served of course and there will be music from our friends Zircon. Dancing will be encouraged. There will be prizes to be won – a tombola** and a surprise draw. Fun for everyone.
Entrance by ticket only and the cost is 20€. Tickets will be on sale from August.
**Our Tombola table is always a great way of raising a bit of money. And remember, the proceeds are shared equally with La Ligue. Take a chance, buy a raffle ticket and win a prize – it could be a bottle of shampoo, it could be a bottle of champagne. It could be a gift box of perfume or soap, or a couple of ceramic bowls.
All these are donated items and we are asking you, if you can, to please donate – bottles of wine or water, jam or beer, unwanted gifts or anything you think you yourself might like to win! Your donations will be gratefully received at any of our upcoming events, including Drop Ins, or just email me and I will arrange pick up. Thank you.
Please remember that if anyone is struggling or needing help, the CSF telephone and email helplines are always open. We are there for everyone needing assistance at this time as well as for those affected by cancer. There is also lots of information on our website. |
Diana Eastaff