Be at your best with Bruno

It’s no secret.

We all know that exercise and a balanced diet are the keys to a long and healthy life.

Some of us are veritable fitness junkies, pounding iron for hours on end, happily sweating it out on the treadmill.

But for others, particularly as we get older, going to the gym is nothing short of torture; an ordeal to survive for the greater good, or simply avoid at all costs.

Whether you fall into the first (lucky you!) or the second category, expert advice and a little motivation can go a long way to improving your experience.

Government Guidelines for adults aged 19-64

Meet the coach : Bruno Soldani

Originally from St Maur des Fossés, just outside Paris (94), Bruno started his professional career as an actor!

He then tried his hand at sales but was not fulfilled. He wanted instead to help others.

For 3 years he worked with disabled children in the disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Paris before deciding to leave the city in search of a healthier way of life.

Having holidayed for over 10 years in the P-O, he decided to try and make his life here.

Developing his desire to help others, he sat his fitness qualifications and passed the national diploma (BPJEPS) with distinction.

Along side the latest in fitness and dietary science, Bruno is also fully qualified in the ancient arts of reflexology, digitopuncture and Chinese massage.


Located in the Rue du Costabonne, near Intermarché, Ceret, Bruno welcomes you to Fitness Form, the bright, clean and modern fitness centre, offering programmes to suit all ages, goals and abilities.

The gym boasts 3 different areas, each dedicated to a specific work-out method:

  • Musculation (free weights)
  • Machines
  • Group class space

And with Bruno’s personalised instruction, you’ll get the hang of the latest, state-of-the-art equipment in no time at all. In fact, it’s never been easier to get in shape!

But if the gym is really not your thing, then don’t despair- Bruno adapts his programmes to suit you. From the comfort of your own home, in the local park or out and about in the beautiful P-O scenery, the possibilities are endless! (Sorry, that leaves you no excuse!)

Whether you want to lose a few pounds, improve your flexibility or even run a marathon, Bruno, as a dynamic, motivating and fully-qualified personal trainer, can help you to achieve your goals.

Call Bruno Soldani today and start your journey to a
fitter, brighter future

07 70 92 50 97

Useful vocab

Inspirez/expirez – breathe in/breathe out
Étirer/contracter – stretch/tense
Échauffement – warm up
Dos rond/plat – round/flat back
À plat ventre/couché sur le dos – lying on your tummy/back
Debout/assis/à genoux – standing/sitting/kneeling
Cuisses – thighs
Abdos – stomach
Fessiers – bottom
Buste – chest
Tapis – mat
Altères – dumbells

Bon sport!

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