P-O Life 55 is online and downloadable from the website
If, like me, you prefer the paper version, you will be able to pick it up from all the usual places around the region from the 1st April.
But it will be worth waiting for – promise!
As our budget limits us to printing a maximum of 11,000 copies, you may already have noticed that they disappear very quickly. We suggest you ‘order’ one to be saved at one of the main tourist offices, or at one of our advertisers, most of whom stock the mag and will be happy to put one aside for you.
Copies can be found at Perpignan airport, Leroy Merlin, the Palais des Congrès, all main tourist offices, various restaurants and shops around the region, most Intermarchés and Carrefours, the FNAC in Perpignan, La Noisette café in Argelès, Café des Artistes in Laroque……and loads of other places…..and of course chez many of our advertisers.
If there are none left, please ask them to ring us and we can take in more.
As usual, P-O Life brings you walks, restaurant reviews, recipes, airport news, French and English language exercises, silly jokes, days out…… and a host of talented guest writers who have volunteered (or been volunteered) to be your personal guides around the region.
A big thank you to Leigh and Merry who walk us up to the Sentier Botanique in Montesquieu, Simon Bridges and Katja who take us over the border for golf and another perfect picnic, Cindy Guilbert and Fiona Sass who talk roses and chickweed, Lesley McLaren for stirring up a hornet’s nest, and John Fairclough who provides us with the ever invaluable airport info.
My grateful thanks to them all – they are what make P-O Life special!
Please continue to support our advertisers wherever possible as we depend solely on this revenue to cover design, production and printing.
Don’t forget you can follow us on Facebook at PO Life and even Twitter@magazine_po
In order to keep up the high standard of content for which P-O Life has become renowned, we are always looking for writers, researchers, photographers, web designers and technicians, ideas people…. to help us make sure that each edition continues to be better than the last.
You don’t have to be a great writer – you just have to enjoy it. Or maybe you have ideas for great articles, would be interested in representing us at press conferences, would be happy to copy read the final versions and catch those little errors that I awayls seam too myss….
As always, thank you so much for supporting P-O Life. WITHOUT YOU, WE WOULD QUITE SIMPLY NOT EXIST.
If you would like to advertise in P-O Life, or sponsor a page, contact Fiona at fiona@anglophone-direct.com or tel 06 89 25 88 01.