If you have a supermarket loyalty card, don’t forget to cash it in before its ‘date limite (sometimes the end of December or end of February) or else you could lose all.
Here are the dates we’ve been given but you are advised to check them out next time you go to the supermarket. Our info is only as good as the people who supply it! 🙂
Auchan – use before 31 January
Leclerc – No cash-in date
Intermarché – use before 1st March
Carrefour – use before 31 December
Géant Casino et Casino : use before 28 February
Super U – no cash-in date
Next time you shop at your local supermarket, check whether there is a deadline for using your points.
Y a-t-il une date limite pour encaisser les points de ma carte de fidélité.
A friendly cashier may remind you that it is time to ‘use it or lose it’ but don’t count on it!
Some branches may ask for identification in order to deduct the amount from your bill, others may require a pin.
Make sure that you inform the cashier at the start of the transaction
J’encaisse mes points de fidelité or you may be told it is too late!
When you shop at your ‘home’ store, where you signed up for your loyalty card, your cash payback can be found on the till receipt.
Some branches will not accept the ‘key ring’ card for this transaction and insist on the full size card and ID!