Saturday 22nd June 2024 – Arles-sur-Tech
La Bénédiction des Mulets
(The Blessing of the Mules)
Looking for something a bit different?
A June custom in Arles-sur-Tech is the blessing of the mules in the church square, followed by music and dancing. This is believed to be a symbol of prosperity for the village throughout the year.
This usually takes place on the fete de Saint-Éloi, patron saint of donkeys.
Look out for the procession of the donkeys decorated in Catalan colours and the children in colourful Catalan costumes..

Programme 22nd June
9H30 – Rassemblement et départ du défilé (procession)- Ancien Hôpital Thermal des Armées
10H00 – Bénédiction (blessing) des mulets et des petits pains – Parvis de l’église Saint-Quentin
11H30 – Sardanes – Rue piétonne
15H30 – Spectacle (show) avec les Danseurs Catalans d’Amélie les Bains Palalda – Salle Jean Trescases
17H00 – Sardanes – Place de la République
21H00 – Concert Al Chemist – Théâtre de Verdure
More info: 04 68 39 11 99