Chloé Bousquet: My Friend the Artist

I first met my friend Chloé many years ago at an aerobics class in Saint Jean Pla de Corts. I liked her immediately, mainly because she was the only lady in the class who was as small as me! As I got to know her, I learnt that she was gentle, tenacious, ferocious, kind, generous minded – and one helluva talented artist.

Chloé Bousquet: My Friend the Artist


This petite and pretty blonde had known from the age of 5 that she wanted to be an artist – and a princess – but her love of children drove her to join the national police, a small but formidable ‘flic-ette’ in the Brigade des Mineurs. She became fascinated with “le regard des enfants” expressing in oils the distress and raw emotion that she often saw in their eyes.

Chloé Bousquet: My Friend the Artist

Chloé Bousquet: My Friend the Artist

When she went completely blind following health problems, she was determined to carry on painting and with the help of a ‘healer’ in Reynes, she regained her sight and went on to exhibit her paintings throughout France.

Chloé Bousquet: My Friend the Artist

Today this talented lady paints superb portraits, particularly of children, as well as amazingly accurate reproductions of some of the most well-know international masterpieces. (Klimt’s The Kiss, Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa….) She also composes religious icon paintings, painstakingly created, sometimes over more than 150 hours for one painting, often using solid gold leaf.

Chloé Bousquet: My Friend the Artist


Chloé Bousquet: My Friend the Artist

Chloe is a lady of hope and faith who is at peace with herself, reflected by her work and lifestyle and I’m proud to call her my friend.

Look out for her next exhibition, take a look at her WEBSITE  and maybe even commission a portrait of your children or grandchildren.



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