Collioure loses ‘Doc Martin’

Collioure has lost out to Doëlan in Brittany to become the film location for the broadcasting of popular British television comedy drama ‘Doc Martin’ on TF1 next year.
Filmed originally in the small fishing port of Port Isaac, in Cornwall, the Breton town won the toss by stressing its Celtic links which echo the Cornish setting of the original whilst Collioure mayor, Michel Moly used as persuasion the fact that Collioure “has been the backdrop for both cinema and television films every year for the past 40 years so we don’t have to prove anything to anybody”
Hmmm. Which one sounds the most convincing to you?
Ironically, as both town are small with narrow cobbled streets, the location has been changed due to some residents in Port Isaac calling for filming to be banned from the village “because an influx of tourist visitors is causing traffic chaos in the narrow streets…”
The final decision was also based on funding available from each regional council.

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