Goodbye green vehicle insurance windscreen sticker
From April 1, 2024, you no longer need to put the green vehicle insurance sticker (known as a ‘papillon’) as proof of insurance on your vehicle’s windscreen.
Instead, police will check with the ‘fichier des véhicules assurés’ (FVA), an online insured vehicle file supplied by insurers, who must enter all contract renewals and new policies. This applies to all registered vehicles.
Your insurer will now provide you with a ‘mémo véhicule assuré’ when you take out an insurance policy or change your vehicle in case you are stopped before your vehicle has been added to the list. Hang on to it as it could also be useful if needing to make an accident report, or finding contact details of your breakdown assistance. Keep your present green ‘papillon’ as it will remain valid until its expiry date but expect to receive an insured vehicle memo too.
Not sure that your vehicle is registered on the Insured Vehicle Register? Visit and enter your license plate number and the vehicle identification number (found on the registration certificate).
If your vehicle is not registered contact your insurer.