
“When I worked as voluntary investigator for a public animal shelter, I saw so much suffering, so many terrible things, that I simply HAD to take action.”
Marc Lorenzo, founder and president

La Ferme du Bonheur is a sanctuary for old, abandoned, or abused animals. This non-profit organisation was founded in 2002. Currently more than a hundred animals live on the premises, among them horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, rabbits, geese, ducks, dogs, cats, a bull and a wild boar.

All work on and for La Ferme du Bonheur is done by volunteers. Its budget is financed by membership fees, donations, and the proceeds of jumble sales, soirées-chanson and photo exhibitions. It is supported by numerous friends, sponsors and partners, among them La Fondation Brigitte Bardot.

ari portraitAri Hantke explains the struggle.

“The Ferme du Bonheur at Argelès s/Mer in Southern France is a small animal refuge for abandoned and abused animals: sheep, goats, donkeys, horses, cats, dogs, ducks, pigs.The refuge was founded 13 years ago by Marc Lorenzo and Catherine Canal. The two of them do all the work. A vacation or at least a weekly pause is out of the question. And what is worse: This winter, the Ferme is also suffering from financial worries. Animal food and the vet have to be paid.

Susanne and I know the Ferme, we developed their website, we try to help as well as we can. And we do hope that you would like to help a little bit, as well.

If you would like to help:

♥ Go to www.lafermedubonheur.org , Click on “How to help us” … and donate a little Christmas help via the PayPal button
We guarantee that all donations will be used exclusively for animal care and animal food!
Become a member – membership form

♥ Become a volunteer (animal care, maintenance, construction, work, paperwork)

♥ Make a one-off donation by cheque or bank transfer

♥ Donate regularly by standing order

♥ Donate supplies (animal food, material for shelters, maintenance, office supplies etc.)

♥ Sponsor an animal or a habitat (on request)

We guarantee that all donations will be used exclusively for animal care and animal food!

Thank you for forwarding on this message to your friends

Merci pour tout !!!

Ari & Susanne
