Michel Fourquet: Filling (or not) life’s spaces

with Ellen Turner Hall


The present exhibition at L’Espace des Arts  in Le Boulou is  dedicated to  the works, past and present, of Michel Fourquet.

Michel Floquet: Filling (or not) life’s spaces

The first floor  contains his large oil paintings  created between 1989 and 2011. Energetic gestures fill the entire canvas teeming with  colour and movement.  You can see the brush strokes,  almost hear the splash of paint and swoosh of strokes, feel the excitement of colour confronting colour.

The result resembles nests of snakes  writhing in and out of each other’s embrace, elbowing their way onto the surface or barely hiding in dense foliage. In some works  Fourquet  uses  collage, cut-out shapes   suggesting interlacing leaf veins or neural networks. The canvas vibrates with their movement.

Michel Floquet: Filling (or not) life’s spaces

On the second floor Fourquet moves you into another universe, with his  most recent works, some  dated 2025. Fourquet  told me he was seeking “emptiness, calm and reserve.” The support is paper, the medium watercolour, the scale reduced. White space dominates.

Michel Floquet: Filling (or not) life’s spaces

The key element of each composition  is a triangle amid blobs of  free-floating colour unrestrained by lines or boundaries. Drops and blotches are integrated into the whole. Very light  touches of  paint  allow the water do the work, creating delicate butterfly dreams. Each work is a miniature meditation on simplicity.

The exhibition runs from 28 January to 22 March.
For more details see: www.espacedesarts.pro.

Collioure Capitale until 17 May 2025.
For details:www.museecollioure.com


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