Tree Census
As part of the Territorial Forest Charter, the Pays Pyrénées Méditerranée is launching a a census of the region’s remarkable trees.
All trees have their own unique identity and play an important role in our ecosystem, as habitats, as producers of oxygen, as protectors of fragile soil…
However, some trees, because of their shape, their rarity or their history, stand out from the crowd.
The objective of this census is to promote and preserve the remarkable trees of the P-O; heritage left by past generations for us to contemplate and enjoy.
Whether large or small, coniferous or deciduous, in a forest, in a village or by the side of the road, if you know of a tree worth talking about, register it before Saturday 31st July by filling in the inventory form, available online or to download below (click the image).
After the census, all the identified trees will be visited and additional data will be collected before being presented to the selection committee, who will compile the final list.
Definitions & criteria for ‘remarkable trees’
There are many ways that a tree can be remarkable. Its size, shape, aesthetics, age or historical value… This is why remarkable trees represent an exceptional natural, cultural and landscape heritage, that we must preserve for future generations.
Remarkability is, however, somewhat subjective! On the basis of similar projects carried out by other territories, the Pays Pyrénées Méditerranée has retained certain criteria in order to facilitate the census. A tree can display one or several of the following characteristics:
- Age: is the tree particularly old for its species?
- Dimensions: does the tree have a large circumference, height or spread?
- Shape: does the tree have twisted branches, a hollow trunk, a morphological adaptation, etc.?
- Rarity: is the tree a rare species in the study area?
- History: is the tree linked to an event, a famous person, a custom or a legend?
- Landscape: does the tree act as a visual landmark or have a location that highlights it?
Don’t forget, although we often speak of remarkable trees in the singular, remarkability can also be justified for a group of trees!
For more information
Tel: 04 68 87 43 24
Address: Maison des Services Publics, Boulevard Simon Batlle, 66400 Céret