Attestation de déplacement/Exemption Certificate
The second period of confinement is now in place in a bid to tackle the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
You can find out more here and here.
The accepted reasons for leaving your home are now as follows:
- Essential shopping
- Travel to/from work if you can’t work from home
- Accompany children to/from school
- Medical reasons including visits to the pharmacy
- Urgent family reasons
- Judicial/administrative reasons (including banks, post offices and appointments at the offices of CAF, Pole Emploi, mairies and préfectures)
- Charity/association work with prior authorisation
- Exercise and exercise or for pets, for a maximum of 1 hour and within 1km radius of home
If your travel needs fall in to one of the above categories, you will need to carry a signed attestation or a digital form on your smart phone, showing the date AND TIME of your outing. You must also carry photographic ID.
Three different attestations
The attestations can be accessed via the government website here or via the TousAntiCovid app.
- Attestation de déplacement and justificatif de déplacement professionnel for movements for professional reasons
- Justificatif de déplacement scolaire for travel to/from schools
- Attestation de déplacement – you can right click and save the image below – this attestation is also available in digital format on your smart phone by clicking here.
If any of our readers have any troubles accessing or downloading the form, send us an email and we will send a copy to you.