27th July to 2nd August 2014
De Carmen à la Belle Hélène,
de Didon et Enée à Orphée
de Roméo et Juliette au Barbier de Séville...
Mosset, near Prades.
Each year, the Mosset opera produces its own special version of a favourite Opera. The standard is incredibly high, the performance takes place in the Castle Courtyard, and the audience comes from far and wide to admire and enjoy the months of work, skill and talent that makes the Mosset Opera such a unique and extraordinary experience. The major roles are taken by international opera stars but the chorus, orchestra and all other parts are played by local opera lovers who also make the costumes and build the sets.
This year, the Opéra Mosset travels around the P-O. to bring you a selection of the best known songs from La Belle Hélène, Didon et Énée, Roméo et Juliette, Orphée & Orphée, Sacrée Carmen and Le Barbier de Séville.
27th July
28th July
29th July
Corneilla la Rivière
30th July
2nd August
Want to find out more? Tél. 33 (0)4 68 05 50 83 Site : http://www.operamosset.eu |
From Prades take the D619 then the D14. After 7 kms you reach Moltig les Bains. Passing the Grand Thermal Hotel continue up the valley of the Castellane for a further 5kms.
The medieval village of Mosset, on the 14th century frontier, is classed as one of the “Most Beautiful Villages of France”. It is well known for La Tour des Parfums whose exhibition literally leads you by the nose through many of the thousand and one uses of perfume.
The Church of St Julien and Ste Baselisse is well worth a visit. First mentioned in 1204, it was rebuilt in the 17th century in keeping with the economic importance of Mosset after the treaty of the Pyrenees…(1659)
The Bell Tower sports one of the few mechanical clocks still functioning in the Pyrenées Orientales. It’s complicated works control not only the hands of the clock but also the clappers of the bells that sound the hours and quarters. The pine tree sprouting from the clock tower dates from the French Revolution and is said to symbolise the strength and tenacity of Mosset’s inhabitants.