For some time now, SMS scams have been on the increase….
A tongue-in-cheek look at French customer service!
We talk you through what to do if you are the closest relative of someone who has died in France and need to take care of the legal formalities and funeral arrangements.
Where to pick up your P-O Life mag….
Today, we think of a charity as an organisation which supplies money or goods (Les Restos du Coeur), skills or training (Médecins sans frontières), to those in need and, in English, this is the predominant meaning of the word.
Starting a business in France is more straight-forward than it used to be and Macron is promising to make it even easier. This is our guide to the different types of business and what they…
Watch out for another scam involving spam calls.
Where a Bank holiday falls on a Tuesday or a Thursday, many small businesses will ‘faire le pont’ (make a bridge) and take Friday or Monday off too to make a long weekend.
A scam to be aware of, particularly if you have French speaking kids!
Sauv’Life- an app that could be a matter of life or death will guide volunteers in the viccinty to administer emergency first aid to heart attack sufferers