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AT A GLANCE February 2024

1st February 2024 - 29th February 2024

featured at a glace

Around the region February 2024

All of us here at P-O Life wish you a happy, healthy new year.

Throughout the yearFairs and festivals around the region, little and large, celebrating every imaginable ‘produit de terroir’.
Throughout the yearCatch a bargain or get rid of your junk at one of the many vide-greniers across the region.
Throughout springCelebrate the days getting longer and the temperatures getting warmer with the carnaval celebrations across the region.
Throughout FebruaryCommemorations of the Retirada.
Friday 2nd
Across the region
Fête de la chandeleur.
Friday 2nd – Sunday 10th
Cinéma Castillet, Perpignan
Les Mycéliades. Science-fiction film festival, with screenings of blockbusters such as Interstellar, Wall-E and Back to the Future. Programme.
Saturday 3rd
Salle Pons, Saint Cyprien
Salon énergie et voyance. Find out how you can save money and the planet at this energy salon. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd, 8.30pm
Salle Polyvalent, Saint Génis des Fontaines
Trio de chants. Trio of singers. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd – Sunday 4th
Espace Jean Carrere, Argelès sur Mer
Festival de Chorales. Choir festival with participation from multiple choirs from across the region. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd – Sunday 4th
Palais des Expo, Perpignan
Salon Eco-Maison et énergie-rénovation. Thinking of an eco-refit for your house? Interested in the latest ecological innovations? This is the salon for you! Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 4th
Arles sur Tech
Fête de l’ours.
Sunday 4th
Saint Cyprien
Bike and run. Fairly self-explanatory, we just need to tell you it’s in the Parc de la Prade! Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 4th, 4pm
Eglise, Toulouges
Canticel concert.
Tuesday 6th
Amélie les Bains
Forum de l’emploi. Looking for a job? Grab your CVs and head to Amélie. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Wednesday 7th, 7pm
Théâtre Lavigne, Peyrestortes
Fantastic Brass. Live brass band performance. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 9th, 8.30pm
Théâtre de l’Etang, Saint Estève
Amaury Vassili.
Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th
Espace Saint Mamet, Saint Estève
Salon de minéraux, fossiles et bijoux. Mineral, fossil and jewellery salon. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 11th
Prats de Mollo
Fête de l’Ours.
Sunday 11th
Saint Jean Laseille
Rod’Méca. Car and motorbike festival. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 11th, 3pm
Salle du Foiral, Prades
Concert ‘Cabrel’. The Choeurs d’Arthichauts choir performs an accoustic hommage to Cabrel. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 11th, 4pm
Eglise, Saint Laurent de la Salanque
The Swing of Gospel Singers. Gospel concert. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Wednesday 14th
Across the region
Saint Valentin.
Saturday 17th, 2.30pm
Méga Castillet, Perpignan
Salon du Manga. Projections of all things Manga. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 18th
Saint Laurent de Cerdans
Fête de l’ours.
Thursday 22nd
Gymnase Capellans, Saint Cyprien
Forum de l’emploi. Looking for a job? Grab your CVs and head to St Cyp. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 23rd, 9pm
Marie, Saint Cyprien
Musiques du monde. World music with the Groupe Pasado, covering French, Anglo-Saxon, the Bossa Nova, the blues and jazz… Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 24th, 9.30am
Plage nord, Argelès sur Mer
Marche de la mémoire. Commemorative walk along the route taken by the refugees during the Retirada.
Saturday 24th, 2pm
La Ronda des Bojos. Crazy fancy dress fun run, with routes from 7km to 18km. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Tuesday 27th at  18h
Maison des Mots, 1, rue Arago, Port Vendres
Lourds Heritages – an evening of discussion/debate presented  by the daughter of a member of the SS and the grand daughter of a spanish police officer sent by Franco  to track down the Republicans who had fled to France.
Organised with à group from the Mémorial at Rivesaltes.
Sunday 29th, 8.30pm
Théâtre de l’Etang, Saint Estève
Lola & les Impromptueuses.


*Photo credit: Tourisme Conflent Canigou



1st February 2024
29th February 2024
Event Category:


Pyrenees Orientales