- This event has passed.
5th December 2018 - 17th December 2018

Hello Everyone
Is anyone feeling like me at the moment and wondering if there’s going to be anything on the shelves once the time comes for serious Christmas shopping. Scrabbling around trying to find the wherewithal for an afternoon’s baking, I could suddenly envisage an empty freezer and some very disappointed Christmas partygoers. Being held up on the road in a 5km tailback is annoying and of course we should be sympathetic to their cause but if a girl can’t get her vittles then what is a girl to do?
Thank you to all who came and supported us at the Christmas Market last Sunday. You will be delighted to know that, as well as meeting and talking to people, we raised just over €500 after a donation of €120 to La Ligue contre le cancer.
The Drop Ins this month:
There will be no Drop In at Lizzie’s this month.
As you probably know, Penny will be handing over the role of President (of CSF Sud) to Ron Reid so this may be a good opportunity for you to meet him. Everyone is welcome (although you have to be a member to vote) so make a note of the date and come and join us. Car-sharing is always a possibility so let me know if you need a lift or if you have room for someone in your car.
I will be sending an official invitation in January.