….a quick glance at the latest local news with Caroline Manson
Chip pan causes fire
27 firefighters were called to the scene when a fire broke out in a building in the Moulin à Vent district of Perpignan. A fryer caused a fire in an apartment on the 4th floor of an 8 floor apartment block, which had to be evacuated. The smoke detectors and sprinkler systems in the building were said to have saved the day. The occupants of the apartment were treated by emergency services on the scene, with one being taken to hospital suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation. Hopefully they will now buy an air-fryer…
Protest march to oppose new golf course project
About twenty political parties and environmental associations held a gathering this Saturday on the site of the future golf course at Villeneuve-de-la-Raho. At noon, the organisers counted 4000 demonstrators on site (the gendarmes posted at each entry point to the town estimated it was between 1600 and 2000 people). Work to create the golf course on 180 hectares of land with a clubhouse, a hotel and 600 units began in 2023 and has aroused the anger of environmental associations who state that this not a good idea, given the fact that the P-O is experiencing such a serious drought situation. Jacqueline Irles, the mayor, says that instead of protesting they should be thanking her as the greens will be watered by recycled water from the town’s treatment plant.
Man dies in Argelès car park
Witnesses quickly called emergency services when they saw a man fall to the ground clutching his chest in the car park of the Marasquer sports complex. Despite the best efforts of the firefighters and a doctor who arrived by helicopter he died of a heart attack. Thanks to the number plate of his car the police discovered that the man was from Bourg-en-Bresse where he had been reported missing by his daughter having left his home with a mattress in the back seat of his car two weeks ago.
Woman fatally injured by minibus
A minibus hit a 70 year old woman who was crossing the Georges Bosch quay this Saturday morning in Amélie-les-Bains. The victim died instantly. The 48 year old driver of the minibus was treated for shock.
Schoolgirl’s project goes viral
When her science teacher asked the class to carry out an eco-citizen project, 12 year old Victoire immediately had a bright idea. She had already carried out a mission with her local PIJ (youth information point) where she helped elderly people carry and place flowers in the cemetery, but she had noticed that many many graves did not have flowers on them. She decided to ask local florists if she could have any unsold flowers. After several refusals, the florist ‘A La Botte’ of Saint-Estève agreed to give her several unsold bouquets. She then headed to the cemetery where she handed them out to some of the elderly visitors, as well has placing them on other graves. The town hall’s Facebook page has received more than 60,000 likes and 3,000 comments on the young girl’s initiative.
Praying for rain

Last Sunday hundreds of people of faith came together in Perpignan to pray to Saint Gauderique for rain. Saint Gauderique is the saint of Catalan farmers and the tradition of praying to him in times of drought dates back to the Middle Ages. They processed from the cathedral to the banks of the Têt hoping that, as happened in Barcelona the day before, torrential rains would stop the procession. Sadly for them their procession continued under sunny skies, and although some rain has fallen in the last few days, others are waiting for more concrete solutions to the drought.
Mayor of Toulouges accused of violence
A resident of Toulouges has reported the Mayor for attacking her and her son. On the night in question, Nicholas Barthe, the Mayor, was alerted by traders and residents that several young people were engaged in acts of vandalism in the town centre. Police officers intercepted several suspects and the mayor himself apprehended a 15 year old teenager who police had already had dealings with in the past. The teenager alleged that the Mayor grabbed him by the neck and scratched and pushed him – and when the boy’s mother arrived on the scene, she also stated that she was violently pushed. Two complaints were filed with the gendarmes – and the mayor has also filed a complaint for degradation of character.