Monday 28th July to Thursday 31st July
Master class for singers and music lovers, Céret
Next week from Monday 28th July to Thursday 31st July (2.30pm – 6.30pm) a Master-Class for young professional singers will be given by Christian Papis (Professeur de Chant, Perpignan Conservatoire) at the Céret School of Music.
Music-lovers are welcome to visit in the afternoon during the course of the lessons to hear these fine voices, followed by 2 free concerts at the end of the course, in Céret and Port Vendres.
Concert in Céret, Friday 1st August at 20h30 in the Salle de Union.
FCPC with Christian Papis presents Opera Veus, with a programme including works by Verdi, Donizetti, Berlioz and Mozart.
Concert in Port Vendres, Saturday 2nd August at 18h in the Cinema Le Vauban, Port-Vendres.
Following on from the Master Class in Céret, there will be (also with free admission) a second operatic concert (with a different program) on Saturday, August 2 at 18h at the Cinema Le Vauban, Port-Vendres.”