A natural wonderland awaits in Nyer

Created in 1998 following the initiative of the Conseil Général des Pyrénées-Orientales, the Nyer Reserve plays a protective role, preserving and managing the natural environment. If you want to discover wild landscapes, full of delights, with a rich and diverse flora and fauna, look no further than the Nyer Reserve.

Stretching over 2200 hectares and rising from 730 metres to 2663 metres in altitude, the reserve includes nearly the whole of the Mantet valley and the eastern slope of the Carança valley. To date, over 800 species of plants have been registered, and these in turn act as habitats for a wide range of animals and birds.

The reserve also proposes various activities for all ages: school children and the general public. Call to find out the exciting range of events this summer. Reservations are necessary for all organised activities.

Go the extra mile for the environement and leave the car at home! Instead, come to Nyer on the yellow train. There is a foothpath from the station to the village.