1. Complétez les idioms
1 Practice …..
2 And pigs….
3 Boys will……
4 It is raining…
5 I have a frog…
a) ….. in my throat
b) ….. be boys
c) ….. makes perfect
d) ….. cats and dogs
e) ….. might fly!
Maintenant, trouvez la bonne définition pour chaque phrase complétée
Quand les poules auront des dents!
c’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron
J’ai un chat dans la gorge
Il faut que jeunesse se passe
Il pleut des cordes
2. How many or how much?
1. How ___ apples did you buy?
a. much
b. many
2. How ___ does it cost to fly to London?
a. much
b. many
3. How ___ was your computer?
a. much
b. many
4. How ___ water did you drink?
a. much
b. many
5. How ___ mistakes did you make in your exam?
a. much
b. many
Look, see or watch?
6. Be quiet and ___ the film
a. look
b. see
c. watch
7. I have to go. ___ you later!
a. look
b. see
c. watch
8. Don’t ___ at me like that!
a. look
b. see
c. watch
9. The police are ___ the suspect.
a. looking
b. seeing
c. watching
10. Can you ___ the baby a minute? I’ll be right back!
a. look
b. see
c. watch
On, In or At?
11. I have left my keys ___ the door.
a. on
b. in
c. at
12. Take the second street ___ your right.
a. on
b. in
c. at
13. Hurry up! The train leaves ___ five minutes
a. on
b. in
c. at
14. I sometimes find it difficult to sleep ___ night
a. on
b. in
c. at
3. Trouvez la bonne réponse
1. How often do you go skiing?
a. On Saturday.
b. For a week.
c. Every year
2. Where do you usually eat lunch?
a. Sandwich.
b. With Kate.
c. In a restaurant.
3. What kind of work do you do?
a. I work every day.
b. I’m a teacher.
c. I work in Perpignan
4. What do you like to drink?
a. Tea of course! I’m British!
b. With my friends.
c. I’ll have a pint please.
5. What did you eat last night?
a. At six.
b. boles de picolat!
c. With my family.