Cancer Support France – Sud de France
Hello Everyone,
November is upon us and it will soon be Christmas! Pop in to any of the following events and don’t miss the Christmas Market “à l’anglaise” on the 24th!
Wednesday 6th Call in for a coffee at Pablo’s Bar in Céret at any time between 10.30am and 12 noon. Whether you stop and chat for five minutes or an hour, we shall be there with a warm welcome. We shall also have some books in English and information will be available.
Monday 18th Come to our Book Exchange at the Café des Artistes at Laroque des Albères, change those summer books for new reading material and enjoy a relaxed chat! We’ll be there between 10.30am and 12 noon – buy a drink at the Café and you can choose free books!!!!
Wednesday 20th This month at Lizzie’s Kitchen (Route de Prades, Ille-sur-Têt) between 10am and 12 noon we are welcoming Françoise Elliot who will be sharing her experiences in Antarctica with us. Don’t miss this opportunity to talk to Françoise about her visits to this fascinating area. Books and information will also be available.
All these events are informal and designed to provide a relaxed atmosphere and, although our trained members will be on hand to provide information or assistance, cancer will not be the main topic. However, please be assured that any conversation with a trained member will be treated as confidential.
AND Sunday November 24th is the Christmas Market à l’anglaise at St Jean Pla de Corts – further details to follow!
With best wishes,
CSF Sud de France (66)
Caze d’en Roque Jalaire
66300 Caixas
Tél: 0468 38 81 28
Please pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested in any of these events and for further information please contact me by e-mail on or by phone on 0468 388 128. And check out our website at for all our future events. |