Cancer Support France – Sud de France
Winter 2014
Greetings Everyone
The beginning of the Christmas Season is upon us. Some people have put up their Christmas decorations already! I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to some cold weather so that I can curl up in front of a blazing fire and read a book. (I might regret saying that!)
Over the next couple of weeks some of you will be sending CHRISTMAS CARDS. CSF cards are still available and a price list is attached to this email just in case you forgot to buy some on your last visit to the UK. You can order them through Penny ( or pick them up at one of our Drop-Ins.
A big thank-you to everyone who came and supported us at the Christmas Market at St Jean Pla de Corts on Sunday 23 November. Our books and cards etc. made around €330 which is terrific. The raffle made €210 which means €105 for us and €105 to La Ligue contre le cancer – a very good result.
Here are some dates for your diary.
Wednesday 3 December – Céret – 10.30-12
Please come to Pablo’s Bar on the Place Picasso.
Take a break from Christmas shopping and join us at Pablo’s for a coffee or a drink and a browse through the books.
Sunday 7 December – Christmas Carols – 7pm
If you were at the Christmas Market in the afternoon, you may have heard some members of Riverchurch singing carols. If you liked what you heard, why not join them in song at the Catholic Church in Laroque. There’ll be light refreshments to follow.
Monday 15 December – Laroque – 10.30-12
Café des Artistes
We’ll be here with books and Christmas cards if you would like to join us for coffee and a chat.
![]() Instead of our usual Drop-In at Ille-sur-Têt, we thought we would do what we did last year and enjoy a CHRISTMAS LUNCH together. We would like to choose a restaurant which is in a location convenient for everyone. So the first thing to do is to get some idea of how many people would like to come and for you to tell us where you live. It would be lovely to get together before we get completely immersed in the Christmas festivities. Please let Penny ( Maggie ( or Gill ( know, before the end of November so we can make arrangements that suit everybody. |
Friday 23 January
This is the date for the CSF Sud de France AGM. It will be held at La Salveza which is the restaurant attached to Carcassonne Airport. Further details will follow later.
Thursday 25 & Friday 26 June
You may be interested in becoming an Active Volunteeer for CSF. This would involve directly supporting clients and you would need training to do this. There will be an Initial Training Course on these two days in June. Please contact Penny ( if you would like more details.
All that now remains is for me, on behalf of CSF, to thank everyone who supported us in 2014 and we look forward to having your continued support in 2015.
Diana Eastaff
Please pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested in any of these events and for further information please contact me by e-mail on or by phone 04 68 82 90 49. And check out our website at for all our future events. |