- This event has passed.
1st April 2023 - 30th April 2023
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Hello Everyone
So the clocks went forward at the weekend and I’m still trying to work out why they tell me the days get longer when it’s still so dark at 6.30 in the morning. I’ll work it out, don’t worry.
Have you noticed it’s the smallest birds that sing the loudest? The fat starling which sits on next door’s tv aerial and warbles his heart out, just can’t compete. When you walk through a forest and you hear some rustling in the undergrowth, don’t hit the emergency button your mobile phone. Stop look and listen. 10 to 1 it’s a blackbird checking the leaves for grubs.
How sad Madame Mimosa looks. Her glorious bright yellow blossoms have turned into a dull smokey mustard colour. Hay fever sufferers are heaving sighs of relief but the rest of us are really missing her former glory.
Thursday 23 March Les Printemps de la Cancérologie
I asked Penny how it went:
“The CSF Sud stand at this annual Palais de Congrès event was well attended and we had many useful conversations with French people as well as English speakers. We also renewed acquaintance with other patient support associations, such as La Ligue, and met the P-O Hospitalisation à Domicile teams. The various talks were most enlightening. The event was a big success despite smaller numbers due to the double handicap of the fuel shortage and a large manifestation in Perpignan which made access very difficult. ”
Drop Ins
We are collecting Bric-a-Brac for our Vide Grenier table on May 21 (see blow). Reach into the back of your cupboards and see if you have anything we could sell. Please bring your donations to one of the Drop Ins, this month or next. The May dates are the 3rd (Céret) 15th (Laroque) and 17th (Prades)
Wednesday 5 April, Pablo’s Bar, Céret, 10.30
Monday 17 April Café des Artistes, Laroque des Albères, 10.15
You’ll be pleased to hear we are back with our books this month. Come along and buy a coffee and take away a book or two. If you have books to bring, they must be paperbacks please. No large ones and no hardbacks or non-fiction.
Wednesday 19 April, Villa Lafabrègue, Prades, 10.15
Catch up with friends at this splendid villa. It’s in a beautiful area on the edge of the village. Coffee, tea and books and maybe a few cakes.
This month
An informal meeting with lunch!
Just to remind you about our Sud P-O get-together when we catch up on the news, listen to a talk from an invited guest and then have lunch.
Our speaker is Carolyn Lomas who is a retired family doctor who has worked in different roles in England, France, Germany and Switzerland, and also in Asia, West and East Africa, and in Eastern Europe. Her talk will be about health in emergencies.
Here again is the menu for lunch and I remind you that you ONLY have until Friday 14 April to let me know your choices. If there are two or more of you, please put the names against the choices.
I really hope you can join us.
Looking ahead
Sunday 21 May Vide Grenier St Cyprien 9 – 5pm
The Vide in St Cyprien is a well attended event which is held every year in the large car park at the port.
As in previous years, we will be sharing a table with La Ligue. Together with our CSF products, we like to have a few pieces of bric-a-brac such as unopened presents, china, ornaments and costume jewellery. (No books, DVDs, clothes or shoes please.) If you would like to donate any items, please bring them along to one of our Drop Ins (see above) or contact me
I always put a call out to anyone who would like to come and help us on the table. We normally have people to help set up and take down but if you would like to come for an hour or two between 8 and 5, we would love to hear from you. Please email me and let me know your time preferences.
Thursday 7th September, Walk for Life, Maureillas
Our Walk for Life will be at Prat De La Farga again this year.
This is always a very well-supported event with two walks to choose from – an easy one and a not so easy one.
It’s a fun day for all ages! There will be a game of pétanque, various stalls, a Tombola and music.
We walk in the morning and then enjoy a picnic lunch together. More details to come but please make a note of the date!
Please remember that if anyone is struggling or needing help, the CSF telephone and email helplines are always open. We are there for everyone needing assistance at this time as well as for those affected by cancer. There is also lots of information on our website. |
Diana Eastaff