THERE are lots of reasons why people come to visit this beautiful part of France – sunshine, mountains, beaches, great food and wines etc, but there’s also a lesser-known attraction that brings thousands of visitors each year, particularly from the north of England… Rugby League.

The legendary Tarlà hangs from a pole on the Ramblas throughout springtime in Girona. Originally made out of sawdust, with a wooden head, today dressed as a jester, the tradition of this puppet dates back to the middle ages.

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It’s all go! Migrant birds are returning from their winter homes and mammals are getting frisky; reptiles are emerging and bugs are flying. There are territories to be claimed and defended, mates to attract, nests to build, setts to clean, burrows to renovate, young to feed. And the backdrop to this frenetic activity is a landscape transformed into countless shades of green.

Maybe you’re in training for the Tour de France, or the crossing of the Pyrenees via the GR10…..or maybe your GP has advised you to lose a few of those extra kilos! On this ‘piste cyclable’, there is something for everyone.

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