Hello Everyone
Listen carefully at this time of year and you’ll hear the sound of heads being knocked together and teeth being gnashed as we desperately thumb through the what’s-on guide, searching for some entertainment for our visitors. (SEE OUR WHAT’S ON GUIDE FOR SOME GREAT ENTERTAINMENT IDEAS. 🙂 Kate)
What? we’ve run out of ice again!? We organise, we shop, we cook and then quite by chance, on a warm summer evening, after a very simple impromptu meal down at a local restaurant, just a stone’s throw from home, we come across the most perfect scene for which no amount of planning or organising could have prepared you – a Sardane in the leafy courtyard of the Mairie.
The townsfolk looked like they just happened to be passing, heard the call of the flabiol, joined hands, formed small circles and gently got on with the curts and llargs, perfectly in time to the music.
It seemed to be as spontaneous as was our coming upon them. For us and our visitors truly magical and utterly memorable.
Check out TOUCHLINES, the CSF national quarterly magazine. This is a packed edition with reports on the Cycle for Life, a couple of interesting trips to Nice and Brussels and information from other associations with handy tips. Rowan Wools and Knitting Cotton – a donation
We have had a rather interesting offer from a CSF supporter who is looking for a good home for a large bag of assorted wools and knitting cotton. There are several cones of cotton and wool, some cashmere, some mohair, and lots of assorted balls. These are good quality yarns, mostly from Rowan, plus some Rowan pattern books.
As a way of raising money, we thought it would be a nice idea to ask anyone who is interested to make us an offer. The money from the highest bidder will be put into the CSF donation box.
The Drop Ins this month
Wednesday 1 August – Céret – 10.30-12
Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Come and join us for coffee and browse through the books.
Monday 20 August – Laroque – 10.30-12
At the Café des Artistes there’s always a good turn-over of paperbacks, English and French. Also CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books.
There will be no Drop In at Ille-sur-Têt this month.
Saturday 1 September – CHARITY FUN DAY – Quillan – 2-5pm
If you have a look at the poster attached, you’ll see that CSF and MacMillan are organising a great Day Out for the family.
Stalls – Crafts, Gifts, Plants, Cakes.
Games – Archery & Quoits
Refreshments – cakes, tea, coffee and PIMMS!
If you would like to know more, please contact Susan Midgley 2susanroy@gmail.com if you live around the Quillan area, or Pam Mercer pam.mercer@live.com if you live around Limoux/Carcassonne area. Thursday 6 September – WALK FOR LIFE – Maureillas – Prats de Farga – all day
In September this year every CSF association across France will be holding an Activity for Life event where we raise funds for Cancer Support France and La Ligue Contre Le Cancer. Here in the P.O. we hold our Walk for Life
There will be 2 sponsored walks. Walk 1 of between 8 – 10 kms will set off through the attractive village of Maureillas before heading up hill on an interesting circuit with lovely views. This is a different route to that of last year’s event. Walk 2 is a shorter stroll along flat lanes of approximately 5kms. Both walks will have experienced walk leaders. Dogs on leads will be welcome to walk with their owners.
You can pay €5 to do the walk or you can rustle up some sponsorship. Please don’t hesitate to email Lynn (lynnrhall66@gmail.com) who can send you all the details. There’ll be lots to do including a friendly game of pètanque during the morning. Bring friends or family, a picnic and some sausages for the BBQ. Some gentle live music will accompany our picnic lunches. Stalls selling cakes, books, bric-a-brac and CSF goodies, a licensed bar, tea & coffee…..not a lot missing!
Prats de Farga is a large field with excellent facilities. You’ll find it at the entrance to Maureillas, as you come from the Céret direction. If coming from the autoroute direction (le Boulou), just drive through the village – the field is straight ahead of you, on the far side of the roundabout.
Saturday 13 October – AUTUMN BALL – Bages – 7.30pm
We know that we can count on your support at what is always a very relaxed evening, sitting with friends, joining in the fun and winning some prizes. Out of the money we raise at this event, we always split what we make on the Tombola with La Ligue contre le cancer.
As always the band Zircon will provide the music. There‘ll be a bottle stall, a tombola and an Auction of Promises which will be slightly different from last time. We will have our own Master of Ceremonies who will act as Auctioneer and there will be a small but very varied selection of « promises » up for auction. More on that next month. There will be a Tapas style meal + dessert and a glass of wine. Wine, beer and soft drinks will be on sale at the bar.
We’d be very grateful for donations for our bottle and tombola stalls. Unused and unopened bottles can be filled with anything – wine, water, shampoo, tomato ketchup – plastic or glass. For the tombola we are looking for unopened gifts or unused knick-knacks e.g. household items, jewellery, china, scarves, etc. It would be great if you could bring your donation along to one of the Drop Ins or just drop me a line and we can arrange a pick up.