- This event has passed.
15th February 2017 at 08h00 - 24th February 2017 at 17h59

Hello Everyone
At time of writing it’s pouring with rain and that lovely sprinkling of snow that was covering the Albères has melted and trickled down to join the streams and rivers gushing down the hills. In Argelès-sur-Mer we are often marooned at this time of year as La Massane causes chaos at all points where it meets the road. We’ve had some sun though and some extremely cold temperatures. There have been days when one is coaxed outside and others where the crackle and spit of a flaming fire makes us pull up a chair and settle down with a good book.
Just a quick reminder about our WEBSITE – it really does keep you up to date with everything that’s going on in our area. Familiarise yourself with all things CSF by navigating your way round the site. It’s a very easy and friendly and no annoying pop-ups!
Our 9th AGM was held on Wednesday 25th January at l’Oliveraie, Carcassonne, and was attended by some 34 members. Following the business part of the meeting, Di Parkin spoke on “Why people need CSF: A personal story” and Penny shared her experiences of attending the World Cancer Congress in Paris, including the presentation given by CSF entitled “CSF – A model for supporting expats touched by cancer”. The meeting was followed by an excellent lunch.
Here are the dates of our Drop-Ins this month. There are always trained volunteers at our three coffee mornings and there’s plenty of time to sit and chat. Bring family or meet up with friends – everyone is welcome.
Wednesday 1 February – Céret – 10.30-12
Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Go along and have a look at the books.
Wednesday 15 February – Ile-sur-Têt – 10-12
Lizzie’s Kitchen (16 Route de Prades) will be open for business as usual. Books, cake, coffee and tea.
Monday 20 February – Laroque – 10.30-12
At the Café des Artistes there’s always a good turn-over of paperbacks, English and French. Also CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books.
Saturday 4 March SOIRÉE DE CHARITÉ au Domaine Gayda 8pm
Below is a flyer announcing this Ball being held in aid of cancer charities. The Domaine Gayda is in Brugairolles in the Aude so for many of you quite a way to travel!
However I’ve been told this is a great evening with music, singing and dancing. The Domaine is set in the heart of the Languedoc countryside – have a look – it looks stunning.
For more information and reservations the details are below. If you would like to arrange a table for a CSF group, please contact Hazel Turner on hazelturner10@gmail.com
Wednesday 26 April CSF OPEN MEEING Perpignan 10am
This is our annual get-together when we meet up for a short meeting which up-dates us on events past, present and future. It’s informal and everyone is welcome.
We always have a speaker and this time it’s Dr Peter Amlot, an immunologist and oncologist who has been involved in cancer trials and research. His talk will address the development of cancer treatment from the past to the present day. His involvement in using immunological means to treat cancer is becoming more and more prevalent and is beginning to replace or complement cytotoxic chemotherapy.
Following the meeting there’ll be lunch when we can chat with old friends and new. For the moment though it’s important to please let me know if you would like to come. I’ve attached the proposed menu which will hopefully whet your appetites so that by next month you’ll be ready to give me your choices! The three-course lunch is €20.
Wednesday 14 & Thursday 15 June – TRAINING COURSE – Bages
Are you interested in becoming one of our trained volunteers? By becoming a trained volunteer there are many ways you can support those with cancer as well as their carers.
We run this two-day training course once a year. Please do give it some thought and just contact Penny if you would like more information.
We are delighted to announce that a cycle ride for Cancer Support France will be taking place 22-25 June 2017.
The route will take us through the landscape and countryside of the Mediterranean and Canal paths slightly further inland. The route starts in Carcassonne on Thursday 22 June and will finish in the coastal town of Sête on Sunday 25 June.
Each stage is approximately 50km on low-level cycle paths and some minor roads. You can join for all 4 stages or just one day.
This is a fun event to raise awareness and funds for Cancer Support France. If you would like to take part in the race or get involved in the organisation, help with transport/support vehicles, hospitality or sponsorship, we would like you to register please by going to activityforlife.fr Registration is free.
Otherwise why not come along to one of the stages and give the cyclists some support.
Many people came last year and had a really good day out! Have a look at the Facebook page or the CSF website
This is our own P.O. event. Last year we organised a walk in Céret. It was a great day with lots of participants. This year we have decided to run this walk in conjunction with Penny and Frank’s At Home. No, it won’t be a walk discovering the delights of Caixas (as nice as that would be). Situated between Le Boulou and Céret, Les Lacs de St Jean Pla de Corts is a beauty spot probably known to most of you. There are natural lakes and walks which would appeal to all! As well as the walks there’ll be a sumptuous picnic lunch where you’ll be able to buy books and CSF goodies and listen to music. It’s all still in the early stages of planning but watch this space for further updates and put the date in the diary please.
Saturday 14 October AUTUMN BALL Bages
If you’re reading this and thinking October is many moons away, yes you’re right but the cogs of the CSF wheels have to start clicking into place early so I’m just reminding you at this point to put this date in your diary and think about whether you might like to help out on the day.
This promises to be a very lively evening . The band Zircon and friends will be entertaining us again and we will have the various fund raising activities such as tombola and bottle stalls and an auction of promises.
More about this at a later date but for now may I put out a plea for Food Servers. We would need you at the venue from around 5pm. Please let me know if you can help out. Once your name is on the list, if nearer the time you find you are not available, it would help us enormously if you could please find someone to take your place. Do email me if you have any questions.
Phew! A lot to read and digest this month. If you have any difficulties with accessing web links or the attachments, please yell!
Diana Eastaff
Please pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested in any of these events and for further information please contact me by e-mail on deastaff@yahoo.co.uk or by phone 04 68 82 90 49.
And check out our website at csf-suddefrance.webs.com for all our future events