Hello EveryoneYou know, in the grand scheme of things seasonal, this period which dilly-dallies between January and the beginning of March should be a time for quiet contemplation. Snow can be inconvenient, freezing temperatures keep us indoors, icy blasts chap our lips and the wind sends our shopping trolleys careering around the supermarket carpark. Who can blame those who leap off to find warmer weather. But I love our winter landscape – Canigou wearing her early morning blue and white face, the statuesque plane trees with their bare branches, that dusting of snow on top of the Albères and the sky in the evening, slate grey and streaked with red and gold. </p class=”western”>
Someone has very kindly donated a couple of items which we would like to offer for sale.
– AMamas & Papas, sturdy Travel Cot– in good condition
– A Child Carrier Framed Backpack – suitable for child of around 6 months – 3/4 yrs.
We would like to offer each of these (or both) to the highest bidder.
Closing date probably 31st March. Email me your offers please.
The AGM & the 10th Anniversary of CSF Sud
Last Wednesday we held our 10th AGM at the L’Oliveraie in Carcassonne. It was a joyous occasion with just a touch of nostalgia and a little sadness too. Once the usual business was over, Penny Parkinson and Hazel Turner told the story of CSF Sud from 2009 – 2019. It was a fascinating journey with lots of photographs and anecdotes along the way. Penny then officially handed over her presidential reins to Phil Mercer. Phil and his wife Pam are our Representatives in the Aude. Phil will be taking over as Sud President for an interim period of 6 months.
There’s a lot more to be said about this historic occasion and you will shortly be able to find the unexpurgated version on our CSF website https://cancersupportfrance.org
Please make a note of these email addresses:
Wednesday 6 February – Céret – 10.30-12
Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Come and join us for coffee and conversation.
Monday 18 February – Laroque – 10.30-12
At the Café des Artistes there’s paperbacks, English and French. People have been very generous lately and we have a lot of « new » books so do come along and have a browse. Also CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books.
Wednesday 20 February – Ile sur Têt – 10-12
Lizzie is opening her kitchen again this month. Please come and see us. There’ll be coffee and cakes as usual.
Wednesday 10 April CSF Open Meeting Hotel Le Mas des Arcades Perpignan
Our Open Meeting is a chance to meet up with people who are all involved with CSF in one way or another, directly or indirectly, and who use this occasion as a good excuse to come and have a chat and at the same time get acquainted with all things national and local under the wonderful auspices of Cancer Support France.
We call it an Open Meeting because we keep it very informal and everyone is welcome – members and supporters, their partners and friends.
First of all there will be a brief update on all the CSF news. This will be followed by a talk from our guest speakers and we have great pleasure in welcoming Alain and Monique Perrault who have worked for a long time for La Ligue contre le cancer. This is the 100th year that La Ligue has been in existence. Monique and Alain will talk about its history, what La Ligue does and about the research they carry out.
The meeting will start at around 10.15 and end with a three-course lunch.
I’ll be sending out an invitation very soon and look forward to hearing from you then. In the meantime make a note in your diary.
Sunday 12 May Vide Grenier St Cyprien
CSF have a couple of tables at this large all-day Vide Grenier which is held every year in St Cyprien and is very well-attended. We’ll have books and DVDs of course, and you can certainly add to these, but we also need other things we can sell. Anything which is in good condition. Bring them on the day or to one of our Drop Ins.
As usual we are looking for people who can help on the stall. We’re always very grateful to those of you who don’t mind giving up a couple of hours (or less) on a Sunday. If you feel you would like to give us a hand, do let me know and be sure to say what time would suit you best. Many thanks.
Wednesday 15 May – Sunday 19 May CSF National Cycle for Life 2019
In May 2019 our cycle ride will take place over 5 days in the Languedoc-Roussillion!
Participants will cycle through some of the most diverse landscapes, cycling from Mazamet in the Montagne Noire to Bedarieux (Haut Langudeoc national Park) and then from Beziers to Perpignan where we expect a big welcome on our home turf!
The route distances will be between 40km and 50km per day suitable for novice cyclists and families. For up to date information keep an eye on the dedicated website:
If you feel you may be able to help at any time during the five days, then please let Penny know (sud-president@cancersupportfrance.org). There is no obligation at this early stage in the planning, but it will ensure that you are kept up to date as plans progress.
Thursday 5 September ACTIVITY FOR LIFE
Walk For Life Prats de Farga Maureillas
Last year our Walk for Life event went very well.
This year there will again be two sponsored walks, different from last year, plus lots of activities including pétanque. Stalls selling cakes, books, bric-a-brac and CSF
goodies, a licensed bar, tea & coffee. At lunchtime we ask people to bring a picnic. A good day out for all the family. More information soon.
Diana Eastaff