Hello Everyone
When I left the house this morning there was a feeling of snow in the air. With not a breath of wind, the perfectly proportioned umbrella pines and the glorious mimosa trees in full yellow bloom were in suspended animation, waiting for their first fall of snow since March 2010. But no – instead of a brilliant blue sky and snow-covered peaks, glistening in the bright sunshine, we have rain, lots of it, and the Albères have completely disappeared from view.
At our Training Day in January we met Joelle Esteve, who set up La Maison Entre Parenthèses in Perpignan in 2015. It is a completely free service offered to women cancer patients. Joelle has sent us some information about a Zumba Master Class to be held at 16.30 on Saturday 10th March at the Parc des Sports in Moulin à Vent in Perpignan. Take a look at the attached the flyer.
Car-sharing is a possibility as parking is quite limited there. Please contact Miranda (mirandapreston@wanadoo.fr) if you are interested in going and would like a lift. The Drop Ins this month
Wednesday 7 March – Céret – 10.30-12
Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Come and join us for coffee and browse through the books.
Monday 19 March – Laroque – 10.30-12
At the Café des Artistes there’s always a good turn-over of paperbacks, English and French. Also CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books.
Wednesday 21 March Ille-sur-Têt 10.30-12
Come and join us at Lizzie’s Kitchen for coffee, tea and cake and meet Ginny Martin who will be talking about Rustic Craft. Ginny has a background in horticulture both garden design & social and therapeutic horticulture. It won’t be a talk so much as a hands on workshop making your own simple rustic bird’s nest, either for an Easter decoration or as an actual birdhouse to hang in the garden. You will be working primarily with willow and moss, maybe some straw and perhaps some ivy, and weaving hanging nests. She will provide all materials on the day.
Friday 23 March 2018 INFORMATION DAY Bages 10 – 12.30
What does CSF actually do ? What is an Active Listener ?
This is a chance for new members (and old) to join us on the morning of one of our Active Listener Training Days. It will take place at Miranda’s house in Bages (ask me for directions if necessary).
Members can talk to our Active Listeners and Penny Parkinson and others will speak about CSF generally and about the role of the Active Listener. There will be ample time for questions.
(An agenda will be sent out to those who are coming.)
We will start with coffee at 10 and the meeting will run from 10.30 until 12.30 and be followed by lunch to which everyone is invited.
Wednesday 4 April 2018 CSF OPEN MEETING Perpignan
This is our annual get-together when we meet up for a short meeting which up-dates us on events past, present and future. It’s very informal and everyone is welcome.
The meeting will start around 10.15 and end with lunch.
Our speaker this time will be Dr Rita Jordan, Professor in Autism studies at The University of Birmingham where she runs courses for professionals working with individuals with autistic spectrum disorders at all levels. She has written and researched on many aspects of autism and has lectured and been involved in consultancy nationally and internationally.
In her talk, ‘The coming era of patient-centered medicine’, Rita will be talking about treatment specifically tailored to the patient rather than the disease, as well as the complications of cancer in an individual with other conditions such as autism.
The three-course lunch is €22 and includes a glass of wine. The menu has changed. It is now a fixed menu with a vegetarian alternative for the main course. (see attached pdf)
Please let me know, before Friday 30 March, if you would like to come.
There is no need to pay beforehand. On the day I will collect your cash or cheque when you arrive for coffee at 10h15.

Sunday 13 May 2018 Vide Grenier St Cyprien Plage
CSF have a couple of tables at this large all-day Vide Grenier which is held every year in St Cyprien and is very well-attended. We’ll have books and DVDs of course, and you can certainly add to these, but we also need other things we can sell. Anything which is in good condition. Bring them on the day or to one of our Drop Ins. All will be gratefully received. We are also looking for helpers who can come and man the stall for a couple of hours during the day. Please let me know if you would like to help out.
We always get a free emplacement at St Cyprien through La Ligue who celebrate their 100th anniversary this year on March 14th. In the latest P-O Life, Penny has written an article. Here’s a quote: « Did you know that the French charity which most closely resembles Cancer Research UK is La Ligue nationale contre le cancer? It celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. And I am sure that you DON’T know that it was first called La Ligue franco-anglo-americaine contre le cancer, aiming to fund research into the disease across the three countries. Inevitably, separate national organisations developed and it took its current name in 1927. »
If you don’t know P-O Life it’s worth delving deeper into their website and discovering all sorts of nuggets. You can also pick up a copy of the quarterly magazine at most supermarkets in the region or from one of our Drop Ins.
19 – 31 May 2018 CYCLE FOR LIFE 2018 Entre Deux Mers
After a hugely enjoyable Cycle For Life in 2017, 2018 sees the biggest challenge yet – a 650 km ride from the Atlantic seaside resort of Royan to the sunny beaches of the Mediterranean at Marseillan Plage over a period of two weeks. It is not a race and everyone can do as few or as many days as they like, taking it at their own pace. It is all low-level, following the canals and using cycle routes where possible, and is suitable for novice cyclists and families. There are two planned rest days in beautiful Bordeaux (22nd May) and medieval Carcassonne (29th May).
If you would like to take part in the Ride or come along and support and cheer the riders on one (or more) of the days, please have a look at our own website:
Thursday 6 September Walk for Life Maureillas
Last year our Walk for Life event went very well so we haven’t made many changes for this year. There will of course be the two sponsored walks, the shorter walk, about 5km, will be a gentle stroll, with the longer walk of 8 to10km making an interesting challenge for others. There’ll be activities for everyone during the morning so bring the family and pack a picnic. More details nearer the time.
Diana Eastaff