- This event has passed.
1st May 2022 - 31st May 2022
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Hello Everyone
Looking at last year’s photos a friend had taken when she visited in May, I see not only that the sun was shining but also that I was wearing shorts! Cast not a clout has been my mantra for many years so I won’t be delving into my summer wardrobe any time soon.
I try not to look back but this year, comparisons are inevitable. The events of the last two years have perhaps made us a bit tentative about bounding out and throwing caution to the wind. But look around – blossoms are turning into fruit and the vines are growing greener. More and more birds are flying into our zone and people are spreading their wings and taking off to different parts of the world.
I’m optimistic for the future and our calendar for the coming months is encouraging.
Drop Ins
Wednesday 4 May, Pablo’s Bar – Céret, 10.30
Come along for coffee and chat. There will also be books. Céret is a great place to meet up with friends.
Monday 16 May, Café des Artistes – Laroque des Albères, 10.30
Do come along, browse the books and have a coffee. Bring your paperbacks to exchange, French and English. Children’s books too.
Sorry to say there will be no Drop In at Prades this month.
Other events this month
Sunday 15 May Vide Grenier St Cyprien 9 – 5pm
We will be sharing a table at this Vide Grenier with La Ligue contre le cancer. Please do come and find us between Rue Eugène Delacroix and Parking Place Rodin.
If you have some bric-a-brac, please email Phil at philomeneoneill@gmail.com
Wednesday 18 May Quiz Night Eus 7pm
We have booked the Maison de Temps Libre again this year for our Quiz Night. Four or six teams compete to win a prize. It’s a fun evening so come along and test your general knowledge. Don’t hesitate to come on your own, a place will be found for you on one of the teams. The questions will be in French and English.
There will be a cold buffet which is €10. We are limited to 60 people so don’t delay! Tickets are on sale now.
If you would like to come, please contact Maggie Longworth who will send you your ticket as soon as she has received payment. Please make the cheque payable to M. Longworth.
There will also be a tombola and we’d be very grateful for any donations for prizes. Do let Maggie know if you have anything which might be suitable. Half of the money made on the tombola will go to the Croix Rouge.
Maggie’s email address is sud-maggie@cancersupportfrance.org
We are still searching the P-O for two people to fill our vacancies At the CSF Sud P-O AGM January 2023, in accordance with CSF statutes, Maggie Longworth will be standing down as P-O Representative. She has had 10 enjoyable and satisfactory years on the Sud CSF Conseil. We are therefore looking for two people to share the role of Representative. Briefly the role involves co-ordinating events and activities across the P-O and participating in the general organisation of CSF Sud. Please do contact Maggie for more information and also about the existing teamwork in the P-O. Her number is 06 80 38 65 96. |
Looking ahead
Thursday 9th June, Vaincre le cancer, Perpignan
We have been invited to have a stand at this year’s Vaincre le cancer event run by the Reseau Onco-Po on. This is an opportunity for the public to learn more about cancer and is free. No further details are available at the moment but if you are interested please contact Penny on sud-penny@cancersupportfrance.org who will be pleased to pass on information as it becomes available.
Thursday 8 September, Activity for Life, Maureillas las Illas
Our Walk for Life will be at La Farga again this year.
This is always a very well-supported event with two walks to choose from – an easy one and a not so easy one. At the moment I can tell you that the long walk will be 8.5kms and will take around 2 hours.
It’s a fun day for all ages! There will be a game of pétanque, various stalls and a Tombola and music.
We walk in the morning and then enjoy a picnic lunch together. More details to come but, please, make a note of the date!
Thursday 13 October, Sud P-O Open Meeting, 9.30am
Our annual Open Meeting is a chance to get together with other members and friends.
We will be at the same hotel as usual in Perpignan, the name has changed, it is now a Holiday Inn. We will bring you up to date with CSF matters but the main event on the agenda is a talk from our invited speaker who this year will be a lady called Gillie Steele-Bodger who is working with the Restaurants du Coeur. The morning will end with a three-course lunch. I do hope you will join us.
I’ll be sending you a menu for lunch very soon but until then please put the date in your diary.
Wednesday 16 November, Bien Etre Event, Villa Lafabrègue – Prades
Wellbeing is not just the absence of disease or illness. It’s a complex combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health factors.
We are very excited about out Bien-Etre event which will bring together practitioners in various fields of well-being who offer inspiring, innovative, exciting and practical tools for a balanced mind and a healthy body.
The Villa Lafabrègue is a house of great character and charm. Built in 1873, it’s set in beautiful gardens with a magnificent view of Mt Canigou, a perfect venue for an event such as this.
Visitors will have a choice of four or five experts who will each present their speciality at specific times. Everyone is free to choose or just free to come and look round.
Tea and coffee will be free and for €10 you can have a light lunch.
We are exploring all avenues of mind and body therapies and once we have our team of wellness experts lined up, we will let you know.
Please remember that if anyone is struggling or needing help, the CSF telephone and email helplines are always open. We are there for everyone needing assistance at this time as well as for those affected by cancer. There is also lots of information on our website. |
Diana Eastaff