Portrait of a River
By Ellen Turner Hall
The Tech, from its source near the peak of Costabonne to its rendez-vous with the Mediterranean, is the subject of a photographic exhibition, “Rasclose”, at the Marianne Galerie in Argeles until 17 October.
Thanks to a residency proposed by the association Lumiere et Encre, photographer Geoffrey Mathieu has documented the life of the River Tech over the course of a year. The photographs depict the link between the river’s progress and the flow of human activity from EDF engineers and canal cleaners to fishermen, swimmers, farmers and saints.
Water equals life. In Roussillon we are blessed with three rivers that bring this most precious natural resource to our homes and gardens. To complete the portrait, over the next two years Lumiere et Encre will turn their attention to the Tet and the Agly. Watch this space!
The Galerie Marianne is open from 14h00 to 18h00, Tuesday to Saturday.