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Regular readers of P-O Life might say that it was out of character for me not to be leaping about with excitement at the new look P-O Life – and they would be right. I am giddy as a kipper, and soooooo delighted to extend a warm ‘Holà’ to Maite, fun new designer from Barcelona who has brought a little bit of ‘quirky’ back into P-O Life. Do hope you like it.
As usual, PO Life brings you walks, restaurant reviews, recipes, airport news, French and English language exercises, silly jokes, days out…… and a host of talented guest writers who have volunteered to be your personal guides around the region. My grateful thanks to them all – they are what make P-O Life special!
Join us in Arles sur Tech and Chateau Valmy, pack your picnic and head for the Gorges de la Guillera, or take a ride, possibly your last, on Le Petit Train Jaune, destined to close in January 2016 unless substantial funding is found.
Please support our advertisers, and tell them how much we appreciate them when you meet them. P-O Life is funded entirely by their adverts. Without them, we would quite simply not exist.
Go steady on the sun and heavy on the sun cream…. and have a great summer!