Team Cargols, a Perpignan-based association seeking to promote the delicacy that is snail cuisine, cordially invite you to the Fête del Escargot
Born in Estagel (near Perpignan) in 1786, Arago not only forged successful careers in science and politics but was also a swashbuckler who got into the kind of scrapes that make Harrison Ford’s big-screen escapades look positively pedestrian.
Wednesdays of Arles is the department’s only cross-border fair celebrating the particular cultural heritage of the two Catalonias: north and south. With artists and performers from this creatively rich region, the weekly fete will take visitors on an artistic journey of the very best in Catalan spirit.
Yes, it’s that mountain again A national treasure that really doesn’t mind what you call it by Simon Newman People take their mountains very seriously, a point well illustrated in a Hugh Grant film “The…